7 New Mind-blowing AI Tools You Don’t Want To Miss

Mind-Blowing AI Tools Techhyme

Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology has come a long way in recent years, and there are now many new AI tools available that can make our lives easier and more efficient. In this article, we will discuss seven new mind-blowing AI tools that you don’t want to miss.

  1. ChatGPT in your browser
  2. 10x faster spreadsheets
  3. Summarize online content
  4. Record Gmeet/Zoom
  5. AI Prompts
  6. Storytelling copy
  7. Text to video with AI voices

1. ChatGPT in your browser

Chatonai.org is an online tool that allows you to chat with an AI language model named ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a large language model that has been trained on a vast amount of text data, allowing it to generate human-like responses to your questions and comments. The tool is accessible in your browser and can be used for a wide range of purposes, from educational to entertainment.

chatonai AI Tool Website Techhyme

2. 10x faster spreadsheets

Sheetplus.ai is an AI-powered tool that can help you to create spreadsheets up to 10 times faster. The tool uses AI to analyze your data and suggest the most relevant formulas and functions to use, saving you time and effort. Sheetplus.ai also offers a range of other features, such as data visualization and collaboration tools.

Sheetplus AI tool Website Techhyme

3. Summarize online content

Tldrthis.com is an online tool that can help you to quickly summarize online content. Simply enter the URL of the article or webpage that you want to summarize, and the tool will generate a concise summary of the main points. This can be particularly useful if you need to read a large amount of content quickly or if you want to get an overview of an article before diving into the details.

Tldr This AI Tool Website Techhyme

4. Record Gmeet/Zoom

Tldv.io is a tool that can help you to record your Google Meet or Zoom calls. The tool uses AI to transcribe your calls in real-time, allowing you to search and navigate the transcript later on. Tldv.io also offers a range of other features, such as the ability to highlight important parts of the transcript and share it with others.

Tldv AI Tool Website Techhyme

5. AI Prompts

Promptbase.com is a tool that can help you to generate AI-powered writing prompts. The tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your writing style and suggest relevant prompts that match your interests and preferences. This can be particularly useful if you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your writing projects.

Prompt Base App AI Tool Website Techhyme

6. Storytelling copy

Beta.tome.app is an AI-powered tool that can help you to write more engaging and compelling copy. The tool uses machine learning algorithms to analyze your writing and suggest ways to improve it, such as by adding more emotional language or using more vivid descriptions. Beta.tome.app is particularly useful for anyone who wants to improve their storytelling skills or create more effective marketing copy.

Beta Tome App AI Tool Website Techhyme

7. Text to video with AI voices

Fliki.ai is a tool that can help you to create videos from text content. The tool uses AI to generate a video based on your text, complete with AI-generated voiceovers and visual elements. Fliki.ai can be particularly useful for anyone who wants to create video content quickly and easily, without needing to invest in expensive equipment or software.

Fliki AI Tool Website Techhyme

In conclusion, AI technology is rapidly advancing, and there are now many new AI tools available that can help us to work more efficiently and effectively. The seven tools discussed in this article are just a few of the many exciting new tools available, and depending on your needs, one of them may be the perfect fit for your workflow.

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