Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Practice Exam Tests

AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Practice Tests - Powered by

If you've taken an AWS certification exam before, we're sure you know that they aren't easy. AWS certification exams test you to ensure that you have obtained the knowledge needed to work in AWS.

To pass the AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam, you are going to need to understand the various services across the AWS ecosystem that enable you to do system administration and system operations work.

All the questions will be in either multiple-choice or multiple-answer format. You have a total of 130 minutes to finish the exam.


The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate exam is designed with system administrators who have been working with AWS in an operational capacity for at least one year in mind. The exam candidate should have experience in deploying resources and managing existing resources as well as basic operational day-to-day tasks like troubleshooting, monitoring, and reporting.

As a general rule, before you take this exam, you should meet the following conditions: