A Comprehensive Guide to HTTP Headers Vulnerabilities

HTTP Header Vulnerabilities

Web security is a paramount concern for organizations and developers, and one crucial aspect is the proper configuration of HTTP headers. Headers play a pivotal role in shaping the behavior of web applications and mitigating various security risks.

This comprehensive guide will explore common header vulnerabilities and provide insights into best practices for securing web applications against potential threats.

  1. Missing Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) Header
  2. Missing X-Content-Type-Options Header
  3. Missing X-Frame-Options Header
  4. Missing Content-Security-Policy (CSP) Header
  5. Missing X-XSS-Protection Header
  6. Missing Referrer-Policy Header
  7. Missing Feature-Policy Header
  8. Insecure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Settings
  9. Missing Expect-CT Header
  10. Missing Permissions-Policy Header
  11. Weak or Missing Public-Key-Pins (HPKP) Header
  12. Missing X-Download-Options Header
  13. Missing X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies Header
  14. Missing X-DNS-Prefetch-Control Header
  15. Inadequate Cache-Control Settings
  16. Missing X-Content-Duration Header
  17. Missing Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header
  18. Missing X-WebKit-CSP Header
  19. Missing X-Content-Security-Policy Header
  20. Missing X-XContent-Type-Options Header
  21. Insecure ETag Settings
  22. Missing or Weak Content-Encoding Header
  23. Missing or Weak Content-Language Header
  24. Missing or Weak Last-Modified Header
  25. Insecure or Missing Cookie Headers

1. Missing Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) Header

Enabling HTTPS-Only Communication

The absence of the Strict-Transport-Security (HSTS) header can expose users to man-in-the-middle attacks. Enabling this header ensures that communication occurs only over HTTPS, enhancing the overall security of the web application.

2. Missing X-Content-Type-Options Header

Preventing MIME Confusion Attacks

The X-Content-Type-Options header is crucial for preventing MIME confusion attacks. When missing, attackers might exploit browser MIME sniffing, posing risks to the integrity of the application. Enabling this header disables MIME type sniffing, mitigating potential threats.

3. Missing X-Frame-Options Header

Guarding Against Clickjacking Attacks

Clickjacking attacks are thwarted by the X-Frame-Options header. Its absence allows attackers to embed the site within frames, potentially leading to security breaches. Configuring this header disallows or limits embedding, fortifying the application against clickjacking.

4. Missing Content-Security-Policy (CSP) Header

Reducing XSS and Content Injection Risks

A robust Content-Security-Policy header defines allowed sources of content, diminishing the risk of cross-site scripting (XSS) and content injection attacks. Its absence leaves the application vulnerable to malicious script injections.

5. Missing X-XSS-Protection Header

Activating Browser XSS Protection

The X-XSS-Protection header activates the browser’s built-in protection against cross-site scripting attacks. Its absence may expose users to XSS vulnerabilities, making it imperative to include this header for enhanced security.

6. Missing Referrer-Policy Header

Controlling Information Leakage

The Referrer-Policy header controls the information sent in the Referer header, safeguarding user privacy and minimizing the risk of information leakage. Its absence could compromise user confidentiality, making its inclusion crucial.

7. Missing Feature-Policy Header

Enhancing Security and Privacy

The Feature-Policy header restricts the use of certain browser features and APIs, contributing to improved security and privacy. Failing to implement this header might expose the application to potential vulnerabilities arising from unauthorized feature usage.

8. Insecure CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) Settings

Guarding Against CSRF and Data Leakage

Insecure CORS settings allow unauthorized domains to access resources, increasing the risk of cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and data leakage. Properly configuring CORS ensures that only trusted domains can access sensitive resources.

9. Missing Expect-CT Header

Enforcing Certificate Transparency

The Expect-CT header enforces Certificate Transparency, minimizing the risk of misissued SSL/TLS certificates. Its inclusion is crucial for maintaining a secure and transparent certificate infrastructure.

10. Missing Permissions-Policy Header

Defining Browser Feature Permissions

The Permissions-Policy header defines which browser features are allowed or denied, enhancing user privacy and security. Implementing this header helps prevent unauthorized access to certain features, ensuring a more secure browsing experience.

11. Weak or Missing Public-Key-Pins (HPKP) Header

Reducing MITM Risks

A weak or missing Public-Key-Pins header can expose users to man-in-the-middle attacks using rogue certificates. Properly configuring this header ensures the use of specific cryptographic public keys, enhancing overall security.

12. Missing X-Download-Options Header

Reducing Drive-By Download Risks

The X-Download-Options header prevents file download prompts from being displayed, reducing the risk of drive-by download attacks. Its absence may expose users to potential security threats when downloading files.

13. Missing X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies Header

Restricting Cross-Domain Content Loading

The X-Permitted-Cross-Domain-Policies header restricts the loading of content from other domains, minimizing the risk of data theft. Proper configuration helps ensure that external content is loaded securely.

14. Missing X-DNS-Prefetch-Control Header

Controlling DNS Prefetching

The X-DNS-Prefetch-Control header controls DNS prefetching, potentially improving user privacy. Its implementation helps manage DNS resolution and mitigate privacy concerns related to prefetching.

15. Inadequate Cache-Control Settings

Mitigating Caching Risks

Insecure Cache-Control settings can expose sensitive information or allow unauthorized access to content. Properly configuring this header ensures secure and controlled caching, minimizing potential risks.

16. Missing X-Content-Duration Header

Preventing Unauthorized Media Access

The X-Content-Duration header helps prevent unauthorized access to media files by specifying their duration. Implementing this header enhances security when serving media content.

17. Missing Access-Control-Allow-Origin Header

Securing Cross-Origin Resource Sharing

Insecure or missing Access-Control-Allow-Origin headers can result in unauthorized cross-origin resource sharing. Proper configuration is essential to prevent security vulnerabilities related to cross-origin requests.

18. Missing X-WebKit-CSP Header

Ensuring Compatibility with Legacy Browsers

The X-WebKit-CSP header, though older, is used by some legacy browsers for content security policy enforcement. Including this header ensures compatibility with older browsers, enhancing the overall effectiveness of content security policies.

19. Missing X-Content-Security-Policy Header

Compatibility with Older Browsers

Similar to X-WebKit-CSP, the X-Content-Security-Policy header is used by some legacy browsers for content security policy enforcement. Its inclusion ensures compatibility with a wider range of browsers.

20. Missing X-XContent-Type-Options Header

Legacy Browser MIME Sniffing Protection

The X-XContent-Type-Options header disables MIME sniffing on older browsers, reducing the risk of MIME confusion attacks. Implementing this header protects against vulnerabilities on legacy browsers.

21. Insecure ETag Settings

Addressing Weaknesses in Caching

Weak ETag settings can cause caching issues, potentially exposing sensitive information. Properly configuring ETag settings ensures secure and efficient content caching.

22. Missing or Weak Content-Encoding Header

Protecting Against Content Manipulation

The Content-Encoding header, when missing or configured weakly, can expose the application to attacks manipulating content encoding. Proper configuration helps protect against potential security threats.

23. Missing or Weak Content-Language Header

Guarding Against Language Manipulation

The Content-Language header, when missing or configured weakly, can expose the application to attacks manipulating content language. Proper configuration helps prevent language-based security vulnerabilities.

24. Missing or Weak Last-Modified Header

Protecting Against Modification Timestamp Manipulation

The Last-Modified header, when missing or configured weakly, can expose the application to attacks manipulating content modification timestamps. Proper configuration helps safeguard against security threats based on timestamp manipulation.

25. Insecure or Missing Cookie Headers

Mitigating Cookie-Based Vulnerabilities

Insecure cookie settings can lead to various security vulnerabilities, including session hijacking or data exposure. Properly configuring cookie headers is essential for securing user sessions and preventing unauthorized access.


Properly configuring HTTP headers is a critical aspect of web application security. By addressing the vulnerabilities outlined in this comprehensive guide, organizations and developers can fortify their applications against a wide range of potential threats.

Regularly assessing and updating header configurations ensures that web applications remain resilient in the face of evolving cybersecurity challenges.

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