C++ Language
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class base { private: int x; public: base() { x=10; } virtual int getdata() { return(x); } }; class derived:public base { private: int y; public: derived() { y=20; } int getdata() { return(y); } }; void main() { clrscr(); base*ptrobj; base baseobj; derived derivedobj; ptrobj=&baseobj; cout<<"Value of 'x' received by 'getdata()' function of base class is: "<<ptrobj->getdata(); ptrobj=&derivedobj; cout<<"\nValue of 'y' received by 'getdata()' function of derived class is: "<<ptrobj->getdata(); getch(); } /*OUTPUT*/ Value of 'x' received by 'getdata()' function of base class is: 10 Value of 'y' received by 'getdata()' function of derived class is: 20