C++ Language
#include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> class employee { private: char name[20]; double basic_salary,gross_salary,da,hra; public: void getdata(); void display(); }; void employee::getdata() { cout<<"Enter the name of Employee "<<endl; cin>>name; cout<<"Enter the Basic Salary of Employee"<<endl; cin>>basic_salary; } void employee::display() { cout<<"****************************"<<endl; cout<<"Name of the Employee - "<<name<<endl; cout<<"Basic Salary of the Employee - "<<basic_salary<<endl; da=0.5*basic_salary; hra=0.15*basic_salary; gross_salary=basic_salary+da+hra; cout<<"Gross Salary - "<<gross_salary<<endl; cout<<"Entered DA - "<<da<<endl; cout<<"Entered HRA - "<<hra<<endl; cout<<"*****************************"<<endl; } void main() { clrscr(); employee obj; obj.getdata(); obj.display(); getch(); } /*OUTPUT*/ Enter the name of Employee Alex Enter the Basic Salary of Employee 8000 ***************************** Name of the Employee - Alex Basic Salary of the Employee - 8000 Gross Salary - 13200 Entered DA - 4000 Entered HRA - 1200 *****************************