Answer: C
Hint: Life safety, or protecting the healh and safety of everyone in the facility, is the first priority in an emergency or disaster.
Answer: D
Hint: The tactical assessment of information security is a role of information management or technology management, not senior management.
Answer: B
Hint: A plan is not considered functioning and viable until a test has been performed. An untested plan sitting on a shelf is useless and might even have the reverse effect of creating a false sense of security. While the other answers, especially A, are good reasons to test, B is the primary reason.
Answer: C
Hint: In a table-top exercise, members of the emergency management group meet in a conference room setting to discuss their responsibilities and how they would react to emergency scenarios.
Answer: A
Hint: Warm and cold sites require more work after the event occurs to get them to full operating functionality. A mobile backup site might be useful for specific types of minor outages, but a hot site is still the main choice of backup processing site.
Answer: B
Hint: The business resumption, or business continuity plan, must have total, highly visible senior management support.
Answer: C
Hint: The site might not have the capacity to handle the operations required during a mahjor disruptive event. While mutual aid mightbe a good system for sharing resources during a small or isolated outage, a major natural or other type of disaster can create serious resource contention between the two organizations.
Answer: D
Hint: The organization's strategic plan is considered a long-term goal.
Answer: C
Hint: The disaster is officially over when all of the elements of the business have returned to normal functioning at the original site. It's important to remember that a threat to continuity exists when processing is being returned to its original site after salvage and cleanup has been done.
Answer: A
Hint: When an emergency occurs that could potentially have an impact outside the facility, the public must be informed, regardless of whether there is any immediate threat to public safety.
Answer: B
Hint: The number one function of all disaster response and recovery is the protection of the safety of people; alloher concerns are vital to business continuity but are secondary to personnel safety.
Answer: A
Hint: The three primary goals of a BLA are criticality prioritixation, maximum down time estimation, and identification of critical resource requirements. Answer D is a distracter.
Answer: B
Hint: A business impact analysis (BIA) measures the effect of resource loss and escalating losses over time in order to provide the entity with reliable data upon which to base decisions on hazard mitigation and continuity planning. Answer A is a definition of a disaster/emergency management program. Answer C describes a mutual aid agreement. Answer D is the definition of a recovery program.
Answer: B
Hint: A hot site is commonly used for those extremely time-critical functions that the business must have up and running to continue operating, but the wxpense of duplicating and maintaining all of the hardware, software, and application elements is a serious resource drain to most organizations.
Answer: B
Hint: Monitoring employee morale and guarding against employee burnout during a disaster recovery event is the proper role of human resources.
Answer: B
Answer: C
Answer: B
Hint: A financial collapse is considered a technological potential hazard, whereas the other three are human events.
Answer: D
Hint: A checklist is a type of disaster recovery plan test. Electronic vaulting is the batch transfer of backup data to an offsite location. Remote journaling is the parallel processing of transactions to an alternate site. A warm site is a backup-processing alternative.
Answer: C
Hint: Answer A is a definition for a threat. Answer B is a description of mitigating factors thhat reduce the efect of a threat, such as a UPS, sprinkler systems, or generators. Answer D is a distracter.
Answer: A
Hint: The recovery team performs different functions from the salvage team. The recovery team's primary mandate is to get critical processing reestablished at an alternate site. The salvage team's primary mandate is to return the original processing site to normal processing environmental conditions.
Answer: A
Hint: Emergency management plans, business continuity plans, and disaster recovery plans should be regularly reviewed, evaluated,modified, and updated. At a minimum, the plan should be reviewed at an annual audit.
Answer: A
Hint: Isolation of the incident scene should begin as soon as the emergency has been discovered.
Answer: A
Hint: Reoccupying the site of a disaster or emergency should not be undertaken until a full safety inspection has been done, an investigation into the cause of the emergency has been completed, and all damaged property has been salvaged and restored.
Answer: B
Hint: The other three answers are good reasons to test the disaster recovery plan.
Answer: A
Hint: Salvage cannot begin until all physical danger has been removed or mitigated and emergency personnel have returned control of the site to the organization.
Answer: C
Hint: The purpose of the test is to find weaknesses in the plan. Every plan has weaknesses. After the test, all parties should be advised of the results, and the plan should be uodated to reflect the new information.
Answer: D
Hint: Authorized, signed checks should be stored securely off-site for access by lower-level managers in the event senior-level or financial management is unable to disburse funds normally,
Answer: A
Hint: The organization has an inherent responsibility to its employees and their families during and after a disaster or other disruptive event. The company must be insured to the extent it can properly compensate its employees and families. Alternatively, employees do not have the right to obtain compensatory damages fraudulently if the organization cannot compensate.
Answer: C
Hint: A mutual aid agreement is used by two or more parties to povide for assistance if one of the parties experiences an emergency. Answer A describes a business continuity plan. Answer B describes a damage assessment, and answer D describes risk mitigation.
Answer: A
Hint: A business continuity program is an ongoing process supported by senior management and funded to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to identify the impact of potential losses,maintain viable recovery strategies and recovery plans, and ensure continuity of services through personnel training, plan testing, and maintenance. Answer B describes a disaster/emergency management orogram. Answer C describes a damage assessment. Answer D is a distracter.
Answer: B
Hint: A computer facility with electrical power and HVAC, with workstations and servers available to be brought on-site when the event begins and no applications installed, is a cold site. Answer A is a hot site, and D is a warm site. Answer C is just an empty room.