Cloud Secure Data Lifecycle Techhyme

Overview of Cloud Secure Data Lifecycle

The secure management of data is of paramount importance in the cloud computing environment. As data moves through its lifecycle, from creation to destruction, proper safeguards must be in place to ensure its…

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Hacking Terms Techhyme

Commonly Used Terms in the Field of Hacking

The world of hacking is a complex and constantly evolving field, with new techniques and technologies emerging all the time. As such, there are many terms used in this field that may be…

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Hacking Plan Techhyme

Formulating a Hacking Plan – A Brief Guide

There’s no way that you can start an ethical hacking process without first planning your security testing. There needs to be a clear agreement on the tactical and strategic issues involved in the…

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Ethical Hacker Skills Techhyme

Eight Skills Required to Become a Ethical Hacker

 When the word hacking is mentioned, what kind of images come to mind? Do you think of criminals and vandals trying to steal data or spy on others? Do you think of someone…

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Top Hacking Attacks Techhyme

Top 10 Different Types of Hacking Attacks

There are different ways that a hacker can launch an attack on a system. Systems have become even more vulnerable in recent times due to social media, cloud computing and virtualization. The more…

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Hacking Attacks Techhyme

Detecting Hacker Attacks For Windows and Linux OS

A hacking attack is an attempt to gain unauthorized access to a computer or network for the purpose of stealing sensitive data, causing damage, or gaining unauthorized control over the system. There are…

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Physical Security Techhyme

Top 4 Factors Affecting Physical Security

What is the point of an organization spending millions of dollars to secure its networks with advanced data-protection software, only to forget about plugging its physical vulnerabilities? Physical security of data is often…

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Why Hacking Is Absolutely Necessary Techhyme

Why Hacking is Absolutely Necessary

Most people think of hacking as disruptive and damaging, but the truth is that hackers are a necessary component of cyber and information security. Launching an ethical hack is important if individuals and…

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Do and Dont Hacking Techhyme

The Do’s and Don’ts of Hacking

As a hacker, you must always make sure that every move you make is the right one. It may feel like fun when you start hacking, but there are some potential pitfalls that…

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Ethical Hacking Prediction Future Techhyme

Predicting the Future of Hacking

It is very tough being an IT professional or Cyber Security Expert in today’s world. The pace at which technology is advancing makes current perimeter security solutions look like sieves. Keeping up with…

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Top Most Common Cyber Security Mistakes Techhyme

Top 12 Most Common Cyber Security Mistakes

Stolen information and data will not lead to the end of the business. It is not a great sign for the business either. Studies and research indicate that a data breach in an…

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hacking necessary techhyme

Top 9 Reasons: Why Hacking Is Absolutely Necessary

Most people think of hacking as disruptive and damaging, but the truth is that hackers are a necessary component of cyber and information security. Launching an ethical hack is important if individuals and…

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types of attacks techhyme

Top 10 Common Types of Hacking Attacks

There are different ways that a hacker can launch an attack on a system. Systems have become even more vulnerable in recent times due to social media, cloud computing and virtualization. The more…

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