How to Install Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu Machine

Apache Tomcat Install Ubuntu Techhyme

Apache Tomcat is an open-source Java-based web application server that is designed to run Java servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSPs). It is developed and maintained by the Apache Software Foundation and is widely used as a production-level web server for Java-based applications.

Tomcat provides a simple, stable, and secure environment for hosting and running web applications. It provides a number of features and services that make it an ideal platform for developing and deploying web-based applications, such as:

  • Servlet and JSP container: Tomcat provides a runtime environment for Java servlets and JSPs, enabling developers to create dynamic, data-driven web pages and applications.
  • HTTP server: Tomcat includes a built-in HTTP server, allowing it to serve HTTP requests and responses to client browsers.
  • Java Web Socket support: Tomcat provides support for the Java Web Socket API, making it easy to implement real-time, two-way communication between web applications and clients.
  • Connection pooling and load balancing: Tomcat includes built-in connection pooling and load balancing capabilities, allowing applications to efficiently handle large numbers of concurrent connections and requests.

Overall, Apache Tomcat is a robust and versatile server that is widely used by developers to host and run web applications.

As you already know, Tomcat requires Java to be installed as tomcat implements Java-based technologies. To install Java, you can run the following command:

Command: apt install default-jdk

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Verify if java has been installed successfully by running the below command.

Command: java -version

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

You can also check the location of java binaries using which and whereis commands.

Command: which java
Command: whereis java

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Furthermore, you can also run the following command to check the installation path of java. The system should respond with the path where Java is installed.

Command: update-alternatives –list java

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Now create a folder named tomcat inside the opt directory mkdir command.

Command: cd /opt/
Command: mkdir tomcat

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Download the Binary distribution of Tomcat 10 using curl command as shown below.

Command: curl -O

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Extract the tomcat archive that you just downloaded using tar command.

Command: tar xzvf apache-tomcat-10.0.27.tar.gz -C /opt/tomcat –strip-components=1

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Now that you have tomcat installed but you should consider running tomcat as a tomcat user which should be the part of tomcat group. So create a new group tomcat using groupadd command.

Command: groupadd tomcat

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Next, create a tomcat user using useradd command and make it part of tomcat group .

Command: useradd -s /bin/false -g tomcat -d /opt/tomcat tomcat

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

To run tomcat as tomcat user, assign the tomcat user and tomcat group to the tomcat directory by using the following commands:

Command: cd tomcat/
Command: chgrp -R tomcat /opt/tomcat/
Command: chmod -R g+r conf
Command: chmod g+x conf
Command: chown -R tomcat /opt/tomcat/

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Now you are ready to start the tomcat application but it is always recommended to run the application using a service because the service saves applications to stop if the system reboots mistakenly or by any means. Let’s create the tomcat service.

Create a new file named tomcat.service as shown below in /etc/systemd/system/ directory:

Command: nano /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service

Copy and paste the below code in tomcat.service

Description=Apache Tomcat






Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Next, run the below commands to load the tomcat.service file & then start and enable the service.

Command: systemctl daemon-reload
Command: systemctl start tomcat
Command: systemctl enable tomcat

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

Verify that Tomcat is running by accessing the default welcome page in your web browser at http://localhost:8080.

Apache Tomcat Installation Ubuntu Techhyme

That’s it! You have successfully installed Tomcat on your Ubuntu machine.

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