C Programming Interview Questiosns Answers Techhyme

Top 80+ C Programming Interview Questions and Answers

C is a mid-level and procedural programming language. The Procedural programming language is also known as the structured programming language is a technique in which large programs are broken down into smaller modules,…

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[#17] – Exception Handling – Questions

So far we have created programs in which we assumed that user would never input wrong data, code would never have bugs and programs always work properly without any error. Index: [#1] –…

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[#16] – Templates – Questions

Templates allow us to create a single function or a class for a group of similar functions or classes in a generic manner. The template declared for function is called a function template…

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[#15] – C++ Streams and Files – Questions

A program’s fundamental job is to accept some data as input and produce the required data as output. All languages provide some mechanism for performing Input/Output operations through which use communicates with a…

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[#13] – Inheritance – Questions

Inheritance is one of the key concept in the Object Oriented Programming language like C++, that enables you to organize classes in a hierarchical form. Just like a child inherits the characteristics of…

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[#14] – Virtual Functions – Questions

Polymorphism is a very powerful concept that allows the design of amazingly flexible applications. Polymorphism can be defined as one interface multiple methods which means that one interface can be used to perform…

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[#12] – Operator Overloading and Type Conversion – Questions

Like function overloading, C++ also support a powerful concept called operator overloading. C++ contains a rich set of operators such as +,-,*,>>,<,++ etc which work on built-in types such as int, float, char…

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[#11] – Constructors and Destructors – Questions

Initializing a variable is considered very helpful while making programs. We can initialize variables of built-in data types at the time of their declarations. For Example int a = 10; Index: [#1] –…

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[#10] – Object and Classes – Questions

C++ is an Object Oriented Programming language. The key concepts of OOPs include classes, objects, data hiding, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism and inheritance. They key concept of Object Oriented Programming language C++ is a…

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[#9] – Pointers – Questions

Pointers are one of the most powerful features available in C++. The use of pointers offers a great degree of flexibility for manipulating data in programs and making programs quicker and memory efficient….

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[#8] – Structures and Unions – Questions

A structure is a collection of related data items which can be of different types held together in a single unit. The data items enclosed within a structure are known as its members…

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[#7] – Arrays and Strings – Questions

An array is a collection of logically related variables of identical data type that share a common name. It is used to handle large amount of data, without the need to declare many…

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[#6] – Functions – Questions

A C++ program is made up of structured sequence of statements. If a program is very large and complex, there are certain group of statements which are repeated again and again at different…

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[#5] – Control Structures – Questions

In C++, the programs include statements that are executed one after the other in a given sequence is called sequential execution of the program. But there may be some situations where the programmer…

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[#4] – Data Input and Output – Questions

A program’s fundamental job is to accept some data as an input and produce the required data as output. All languages provide some mechanism for performing Input/Output operations through which user communicates with…

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