[#14] – Application Software packages – Questions

Here is the list of famous application software packages that are widely used:

  1. Word-processing package
  2. Spreadsheet package
  3. Graphics package
  4. Personal assistance package

The term word processing describes use of hardware and software to create, edit, view, format, store, retrieve and print documents. A word-processing package enables us to do all these on a computer system.

Spreadsheet is a numerical data analysis tool that allows us to create a computerized ledger. A manual ledger is a book having rows and columns that accountants use for keeping record of financial transactions and preparing financial statements. A spreadsheet offers considerable ease of performing such tasks by automating all arithmetic calculations, and making it easier to change certain numerical values and seeing the effect of these changes across the worksheet immediately.

Graphics packages enable us to use a computer system to create, edit, view, store, retrieve and print designs, drawings, pictures, graphs and anything else that can be drawn in traditional manner.

Personal assistance packages allow individuals to use personal computers to store and retrieve their personal information, as well as to plan and manage their schedules, contacts, finances, and inventory of important items.

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Points To Remember:

  • A word-processing package enables us to create, edit, view, format, store, retrieve, and print documents on a computer system.
  • Some commonly supported features found in modern word-processing packages are: entering text; editing text; formatting text; entering mathematical symbols; displaying documents; saving, retrieving and deleting documents; printing documents; importing text, graphics and images; searching and replacing text string; checking spelling; and checking grammar and style.
  • Spreadsheet is a numerical data analysis tool that allow us to create a computerized ledger. It is useful for any numerical analysis problem whose data can be organized as rows and columns.
  • Some key features of modern spreadsheet packages are: support for a large number of cells; support for addressing a range of cells by the addresses of the endpoint cells; support for different types of cell data (such as, label, numeric value, formula, and date and time); support for use of relative and absolute cell addresses in formula; support for a wide range of commands; and support for displaying numeric data in the form of graphs and charts.
  • A graphics package enables us to use a computer system to create, edit, view, store, retrieve, and print designs, drawings, pictures, graphs and anything else that can be drawn in traditional manner.
  • Some commonly supported features found in modern graphics packages are: drawing designs; painting drawings and pictures; presenting graphs and charts; dragging-and-dropping graphic
    objects; importing graphic objects; and capturing screen snapshots.
  • Computer-aided-design (CAD) deals with integration of computers and graphics design packages for the purpose of automating design and drafting process.
  • A personal-assistance package allows individuals to use personal computers to store and retrieve their personal information, as well as to plan and manage their schedules, contacts, finances, and inventory of important items.
  • Some commonly supported features found in modern personal-assistance packages are calendar, to-do-list, address book, investments book, and inventory book.

List of Questions:

  1. What is a word-processing package? List some key features supported by modern word-processing packages.
  2. Differentiate between insert and type-over modes of text entry in a word-processing package.
  3. Differentiate between cut-and-paste and copy-and-paste facilities of a word-processing package.
  4. What is a style sheet in a word-processing application? How it is useful?
  5. What is a font? What is font size and font style?
  6. Differentiate between left-and right-justified text.
  7. What is WYSIWYG facility? How it is useful?
  8. What is print-preview facility? How it is useful?
  9. Differentiate between portrait and landscape modes of printing.
  10. What is text, graphics, and image importing facility? How it is useful?
  11. Explain search-and-replace facility of a word-processing package.
  12. What is spell checker in a word-processing package? How does it work?
  13. What is a grammar checker in a word-processing package? List some grammar checking features typically found in a modern word-processing package.
  14. What is a clip-art library? Describe how it helps in document preparation with a word processor.
  15. List any five features of a word-processing package. Explain how each of these features is helpful in document preparation.
  16. What is word-wrap feature? How it is useful?
  17. Write an example of a situation in which globla search-and-replace command of a word-processing package will prove useful.
  18. What options does a spell checker typically present to a user when it encounters an unidentified word in a document?
  19. A spell checker cannot check for improper use of correctly spelt words. Explain.
  20. What is a spreadsheet package? List some of its typical uses.
  21. Think of an applcation for which a spreadsheet package is useful. Now draw a sample spreadsheet for the application.
  22. What is a cell in a spreadsheet? How is a single cell identified? How is a range of cells identified?
  23. Differentiate among row range, column range, and block range of cells in a spreadsheet.
  24. List four commonly used types of cell data found in a spreadsheet along with the need for each type.
  25. Differentiate between relative and absolute cell addresses in a spreadsheet. Explain the need for these two types of cell addresses.
  26. Explain how a cell address can be made fully or partially absolute when used in a formula.
  27. List some formatting features supported in a modern spreadsheet package.
  28. Explain about graphics feature of modern spreadsheet packages. How it is useful?
  29. What is graphics software? List some features normally supported in graphics software.
  30. Differentiate between paint and draw features of graphics software?
  31. What is a CAD system? List some of its typical uses.
  32. Differentiate between vector graphics and raster graphics. Write their relative advantages and disadvantages.
  33. What is a bit-mapped image? Why it is so called?
  34. Explain how following features of graphics software are useful:
    Present graphs
    Drag-and-drop objects
    Import objects
    Screen capture
  35. What is a personal assistance package? List some features normally supported by it. Explain the usefulness of each of these features.
  36. Write short notes on:
    Spreadsheet package
    Graphics package
    Word-Processing package
    Personal assistance package
  37. Write short notes on:
    Computer Aided Design (CAD)
    Vector graphics
    Raster graphics
  38. Write short notes on following features of a word-processing package:
    Text editing
    Print preview
    Page formatting
    Text formatting
    Import text, graphics, and image
  39. Write short notes on following with reference to a spreadsheet package:
    Cell contents
    Range of cells
    Graphics feature
    Relative and absolute cell addresses
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