[#17] – The Internet – Questions

The internet is a network of computers linking many different types of computers all over the world. It is a network of networks sharing a common mechanism for addressing computers, and a common set of communication protocols for communications between two computers on the network.

There are four types of services provided by the Internet to its users:

  1. Electronic Mail
  2. File Transfer Protocol
  3. Telnet
  4. The World Wide Web

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Points To Remember:

  • The Internet is a network of computer linking many different types of computers all over the world. It is a network of networks sharing a common mechanism for addressing (identifying) computers, and a common set of communication protocols for communications between two computers on the network.
  • Four basic services provided by the Internet to its users are electronic mail, file transfer protocol, telnet, and usenet news.
  • Electronic mail service (known as e-mail in short) enables an internet user to send a mail (message) to another Internet user in any part of the world in near-real-time manner.
  • File Transfer Protocol service (known as FTP in short) enables an Internet user to move a file from one computer to another on the Internet.
  • Telnet service enables an Internet user to log in to another computer on the Internet form his/her local computer.
  • Usenet service enables a group of Internet users to exchange their views/ideas/information on some common topic of interest with all members belonging to the group.
  • The WWW uses a concept called hypertext. Hypertext documents on the Internet are known as Web Pages. Web Pages are created by using a special language called Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) that is a powerful language for linking documents for easier electronic access and manipulation.
  • To be used as a web client, a computer needs to be loaded with a special software tool that is known as browser. Browsers normally provide several navigation facilities to help users save time while Internet surfing.
  • The Internet has already proved to be a valuable tool for use in many significant ways. Some current strategic uses of the Internet are for on-line communication, software sharing, exchange of views on topics of common interest, posting of information of general interest, product promotion, feedback about products, customer support service, on-line journals and magazines, on-line shopping, and worldwide video conferencing.

List of Questions:

  1. What is the internet? How did it evolve?
  2. List three main characteristic features of the Internet that define it.
  3. Name some basic services provided by the Internet. Explain how each of these services helps the Internet users.
  4. In what manner is e-mail service similar to postal mail service? In what manner the two are different from each other?
  5. List some advantages and disadvantages of e-mail service against fax service.
  6. List some advantages and disadvantages of e-mail service against telephone service.
  7. What is an electronic mail(e-mail)? Why it is preferred by many to paper mail, telephone, and fax services?
  8. What is file transfer protocol (FTP)? List the steps involved in downloading/uploading a file by using FTP service.
  9. Explain how it is ensured that only authorized users can access resources of a remote computer in case of FTP and Telnet services.
  10. Differentiate between “downloading” and “uploading” of information.
  11. List some common uses of telnet service offered by the Internet.
  12. What is an anonymous FTP site? Why it is used?
  13. What is a newsgroup? How it is useful?
  14. Differentiate between moderated and non moderated newsgroups.
  15. What is hypertext? How it is useful?
  16. Define following terms with respect to the Internet:
    Web Server
    Web client
    Web browser
  17. What is WWW browser? What types of navigation facilities are typically supported by modern browsers to help users save time while Internet surfing?
  18. Describe some general uses of the Internet.
  19. Describe some uses of the Internet in education sector.
  20. Describe some uses of the Internet in commercial organizations.
  21. Write short notes on:
    Electronic mail
    File Transfer Protocol
    Telnet service
    Usenet news
    The World Wide Web
    WWW browsers
    Uses of the Internet
  22. Give full form of:
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