[#12] – System Implementation and Operation – Questions

As long as human beings program computers, computer programs will have errors. Program errors are known as bugs, and the process of detecting and correcting these errors is called debugging. In general, testing is the process of making sure that the program performs the intended risk and debugging is the process of locating and correcting program errors.

Testing and debugging are important steps in program development. They are also time-consuming steps. In fact, for large programs, the time spent in testing and debugging often exceeds the time spent in coding the program.

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Points To Remember:

  • Testing is the process of making sure that the program performs the intended task.
  • Program errors are known as bugs, and the process of locating and correcting these errors is called debugging.
  • The two types of errors that occur in a computer program are syntax errors and logic errors. Syntax errors occur when the rules or syntax of a programming language are not followed. Logic errors occur when we make errors in planning the program’s logic or while converting the logic into program code. Such errors cause the program to produce incorrect result or behave unexpectedly.
  • As compared to logic errors, syntax errors are easier to locate and correct because language processors are designed to detect syntax errors automatically.
  • The commonly used methods for locating and correcting logic errors are doing hand simulation of the program code, putting print statements in the program code, using a debugger, and using memory dump.
  • Debugger is a software tool that assists a programmer in following a program’s execution step-by-step allowing him/her to display intermediate calculation results and field values whenever desired.
  • Documentation is the process of collecting, organizing, storing, and maintaining a complete historical record of programs, and other documents used or prepared during the different phases of the life cycle of software. The three commonly used forms of documentation for software are program comments, system manual, and user manual.
  • Once software is thoroughly tested and all known errors have been removed, the software along with the associated hardware is deployed at site for use by the intended users. At this page, changeover from the old to new system takes place. The three normally followed methods to carry out the changeover process are immediate changeover, parallel run, and phased conversion.
  • System evaluation is the process of evaluating a system (after it is put to operation) to verify whether it meets its objectives. The points normally considered for evaluating a system are performance evaluation, cost analysis, time analysis, user satisfaction, ease of modification, and failure rate.
  • System maintenance is the process of incorporating changes in an existing system to enhance, update, or upgrade its features.

List of Questions:

  1. What are the two types of errors that can occur in a computer program? Write an example of each type to illustrate their nature.
  2. Differentiate between syntax errors and logic errors in computer programs.
  3. will a program run if there are syntax errors in it? Write reasons for your answer.
  4. Will a program run if there are logic errors in it? Write reasons for your answer.
  5. What is testing of a program? Why do we need to test a program?
  6. What are the different types of test data used for testing a program?
  7. Why it is not possible to certify for a very complex software system that it is error free?
  8. What is alpha version of software? What is alpha testing?
  9. What is beta version of commercial software? What is beta testing?
  10. Differentiate between alpha and beta testing of software.
  11. How syntax errors are detected and corrected?
  12. How logic errors are detected and corrected?
  13. Is it easier to detect a syntax error or a logic error in a program? Write reasons for your answer.
  14. What is a program bug? What is debugging?
  15. Describe the various methods that may be used to locate and correct logic errors.
  16. What is a debugger? How does it help a programmer?
  17. What is a memory dump? How it is useful for a programmer?
  18. Differentiate between testing and debugging.
  19. What is software documentation? Why it is needed?
  20. Describe different types of documentation normally used for documenting software systems.
  21. What are program comments? Why they are needed?
  22. What is system manual of a software system? What type of information does it typically contain?
  23. What is documentation standard? Why it is needed?
  24. List the operations normally carried out in the system changeover process.
  25. Describe the three methods of system changeover with their advantages and disadvantages.
  26. Why system evaluation is needed? What are the main parameters normally used to evaluate a new system?
  27. Why do we need to modify a system if it is currently operating well?
  28. Why system maintenance is considered an important process in the life cycle of a computerized system?
  29. How can we control frequent program modifications?
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