12 Resources To Crush Any Technical Interview

technical interview

Entering the tech industry is an exhilarating journey filled with opportunities and challenges. One of the most crucial steps in this journey is conquering technical interviews. Whether you’re a seasoned developer looking to brush up on your skills or a fresh graduate preparing for your first job interview, having access to the right resources can make all the difference.

Fortunately, the tech community is abundant with resources aimed at helping you excel in coding interviews, algorithms, system design, and more.

Here are 12 hand-picked GitHub repositories that can serve as your secret weapons to crush any technical interview.

1. Coding Interview University
First up on our list is the Coding Interview University, a comprehensive computer science study plan curated by John Washam. This repository lays out a structured path to help you become a proficient software engineer. From algorithms and data structures to system design and mock interviews, this repository covers it all.

2. JavaScript Algorithms
For those focusing on JavaScript, the JavaScript Algorithms repository is a goldmine. Created by Oleksii Trekhleb, it contains implementations of various algorithms and data structures in JavaScript along with detailed explanations and references for further reading.

3. Tech Interview Handbook
Navigating through technical interviews can be daunting, but the Tech Interview Handbook by Yangshun Tay is here to help. This repository provides a plethora of materials tailored to help you ace your coding interviews. From algorithm questions to system design tips, you’ll find everything you need to succeed.

4. JavaScript Questions
If JavaScript is your forte, then Lydia Hallie’s JavaScript Questions repository is a must-visit. It comprises an extensive list of advanced JavaScript questions along with detailed explanations to deepen your understanding of the language.

5. The System Design Primer
Preparing for system design interviews? Look no further than The System Design Primer by Donne Martin. This repository equips you with the knowledge and resources needed to tackle large-scale system design questions effectively. Additionally, it includes Anki flashcards to aid in your learning process.

6. Interview
Interview by Yegor Olshansky is a comprehensive repository that covers all aspects of technical interviews. From coding questions to behavioral interview tips, this repository has got you covered.

7. Awesome Interviews
If you’re looking for a curated list of interview questions, Awesome Interviews by DopplerHQ is the place to be. This repository aggregates various lists of interview questions from around the web, making it a one-stop destination for interview preparation.

8. React Interview Questions & Answers
For React enthusiasts, React Interview Questions & Answers by Sudheer Jonna provides a comprehensive list of top 500 ReactJS interview questions along with detailed answers.

9. Reverse Interview
Preparing for your interview is not just about answering questions but also asking the right ones. Reverse Interview by MichaƂ Taszycki offers a collection of insightful questions to ask during your interview to gain a deeper understanding of the company and its culture.

10. Front-end Interview Questions
Front-end developers, look no further than Front-end Interview Questions by Adnan Babakan. This repository contains a curated list of questions aimed at helping you ace your front-end interviews.

11. 70 JavaScript Interview Questions
If you’re specifically targeting JavaScript roles, 70 JavaScript Interview Questions by Maciej Treder is an invaluable resource. This repository contains a curated list of 70 JavaScript questions guaranteed to boost your success in interviews.

12. Back-End Developer Interview Questions
Last but not least, Back-End Developer Interview Questions by Arialdo Martini is a repository tailored for back-end developers. Whether you’re conducting interviews or preparing for one, this repository offers a comprehensive list of relevant questions.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, the journey to mastering technical interviews can be challenging, but with the right resources at your disposal, success is within reach.

These 12 GitHub repositories serve as invaluable tools to enhance your skills, prepare you for interviews, and propel your career forward. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a novice coder, make the most of these resources and embark on your journey with confidence. Happy coding!

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