Interested in the field of computer and network security? One important aspect you’ll need to know about is routing and switching. Routing and switching are the two main functions of a network. Their purpose is to connect the different segments of your network infrastructure.
The following list decodes all the abbreviations related to Routing and Switching.
1 | 10 GEA | 10 Gigabit Ethernet Alliance |
2 | AAL | ATM Adaptation Layer |
3 | AARP | AppleTalk Address Resolution Protocol |
4 | ABM | Asynchronous Balanced Mode |
5 | ABR | Area Border Routers |
6 | ABR | Available Bit Rate |
7 | ABR RM | Resource Management |
8 | ABT | ATM Block Transfer |
9 | ACK | Acknowledgment |
10 | ACR | Allowed Current Rate |
11 | ACR | Automatic Call Routing |
12 | ACSE | Association Control Service Element |
13 | ADMs | Add/Drop Multiplexer |
14 | ADSP | AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol |
15 | AEP | AppleTalk Echo Protocol |
16 | AF | Assured Forwarding |
17 | AFI | Authority and Format Identifier |
18 | AFP | AppleTalk Filing Protocol |
19 | ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
20 | AON | All-Optical Network |
21 | APAP | AppleTalk Printer Access Protocol |
22 | APNIC | Asia Pacific Network Information Center |
23 | APPN | Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking |
24 | APS | Automatic Protection Switching |
25 | ARE | All Routes Explorer |
26 | ARIN | American Registry for Internet |
27 | ARIS | Aggregated Route-Based IP Switching |
28 | ARM | Asynchronous Response Mode |
29 | ARP | Address Resolution Protocol |
30 | ASBR | Autonomous System Border Router |
31 | ASIC | Application-Specific Integrated Circuits |
32 | ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One |
33 | ASP | AppleTalk Session Protocol |
34 | ATM | Asynchronous Transmission Mode |
35 | ATP | AppleTalk Transaction Protocol |
36 | AURP | AppleTalk Update-based Routing Protocol |
37 | AWG | American Wire Gauge |
38 | BA | Bandwidth Allocator |
39 | BACP | Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol |
40 | BAP | Bandwidth Allocation Protocol |
41 | BC | committed Burst |
42 | BCP | Best Current Practice |
43 | BCP | Bridging Control Protocol |
44 | BDR | Backup Designated Router |
45 | BE | Excess Burst |
46 | BECN | Backward Explicit Congestion Notification |
47 | BER | Basic Encoding Rules |
48 | BGP | Border Gateway Protocol |
49 | BIA | Burnt In Address |
50 | B-ICI | Broadband Isdn Inter-Carrier Interface |
51 | BID | Bridge Identifier |
52 | BIS | Border Intermediate System |
53 | B-ISDN | Broadband ISDN |
54 | BLSR | Bidirectional Line-Switched Ring |
55 | BPDU | Bridge Protocol Data Unit |
56 | BRI | Basic Rate Interface |
57 | BS | Burst Size |
58 | BSD | Berkeley Software Distribution |
59 | BUS | Broadcast and Unknown Server |
60 | BWIF | Broadband Wireless Internet Forum |
61 | CAC | Call Admission Control |
62 | CAM | Content-Addressable Memory |
63 | CAR | Committed Access Rate |
64 | CBDS | Connectionless Broadband Data Service |
65 | CBQ | Class Based Queuing |
66 | CBR | Constant Bit Rate |
67 | CBT | Core Based Tree |
68 | CCITT | International Telephone and Telegraph Consultative Committee |
69 | CCP | Compression Control Protocol |
70 | CCS | Common Channel Signaling |
71 | CDDI | Copper Data Distributed Interface |
72 | CDVT | Cell Delay Variation Tolerance |
73 | CE | Customer Edge |
74 | CEF | Cisco Express Forwarding |
75 | CEN | Comite Europeen de Normalisation |
76 | CENELEC | Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique |
77 | CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol |
78 | CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing |
79 | CIF | Cells in Frames |
80 | CIR | Committed Information Rate |
81 | CLIP | Classical IP over ATM |
82 | CLNP | Connection Less Network Protocol |
83 | CLNS | Connection Less Network Service |
84 | CLP | Cell Loss Priority |
85 | CLR | Cell Loss Ratio |
86 | CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol |
87 | CMIS | Common Management Information Services |
88 | CMNP | Connection-Mode Network Protocol |
89 | COI | Community Of Interest |
90 | CONS | Connection-Oriented Network Service |
91 | COPS | Common Open Policy Service |
92 | CoS | Class of Service |
93 | CPE | Customer Premises Equipment |
94 | CR | Constraint-Based Routing |
95 | CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
96 | CR-LDP | Constraint Routed Label Distribution Protocol |
97 | CS | Convergence Sub layer |
98 | CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance |
99 | CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection |
100 | CSNP | Complete Sequence Number Packet |
101 | CSPF | Constraint-based Shortest Path First |
102 | CSR | Cell Switch Router |
103 | CUG | Closed User Group |
104 | DAC | Dual Attached Concentrator |
105 | DAS | Dual Attached Station |
106 | DCC | Data Country Code |
107 | DCE | Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment |
108 | DCEF | Distributed Cisco Expert Forwarding |
109 | DDCMP | Digital Data Communications Message Protocol |
110 | DDP | Datagram Delivery Protocol |
111 | DDR | Dial-on-Demand Routing |
112 | DB | Default Behavior |
113 | DE | Discard Eligibility |
114 | DES | Data Encryption Standard |
115 | DNIC | Data Network Identification Code |
116 | DQDB | Distributed Queue Dual Bus |
117 | DR | Designated Router |
118 | DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory |
119 | DRP | Decent Routing Protocol |
120 | DS | Directory Services |
121 | DSAP | Destination Service Access Point |
122 | DSBM | Designated Subnet Bandwidth Manager |
123 | DSCP | Differentiated Services Code Point |
124 | DSP | Domain Specific Part |
125 | DS-TE | DiffServ-aware Traffic Engineering |
126 | DSU | Digital Service Units |
127 | DTE | Data Terminal Equipment |
128 | DTL | Designated Transit Lists |
129 | DUAL | Diffusing Update Algorithm |
130 | DVMRP | Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol |
131 | DWDM | Dense Wavelength-Division Multiplexing |
132 | DXI | Digital exchange Interface |
133 | EA | Extended Address |
134 | EBGP | External Border Gateway Protocol |
135 | ECMP | Equal-Cost Multipath |
136 | ECMPR | Equal-Cost Multipath Routing |
137 | ECP | Encryption Control Protocol |
138 | EF | Expedited Forwarding |
139 | EFCI | Explicit Forward Congestion Indication |
140 | EGP | Exterior Gateway Protocol |
141 | EIA | Electronics Industry Association |
142 | EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol |
143 | EIR | Excess Information Rate |
144 | ELAP | Ether talk Link Access Protocol |
145 | ELSR | Edge Label Switching Router |
146 | EP | Error Protocol |
147 | EPD | Early Packet Discard |
148 | ERC | Explicit Rate Control |
149 | ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning |
150 | ES | End System |
151 | ESI | End System Identifier |
152 | ES-IS | End System to Intermediate System |
153 | ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute |
154 | FM | Functional Address Indicator |
155 | FANP | Flow Attribute Notification Protocol |
156 | FC | Fiber Channel |
157 | FCAPS | Fault, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security |
158 | FCFS | First-Come First-Served |
159 | FCIA | Fiber Channel Industries Association |
160 | FCS | Frame Check Sequence |
161 | FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface |
162 | FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing |
163 | FDR | Full-Duplex Repeater |
164 | FEC | Forwarding Equivalence Class |
165 | FECN | Forward Explicit Congestion Notification |
166 | FF | Fixed Filter |
167 | FIB | Forwarding Information Base |
168 | FIFO | First-In First-Out |
169 | FLAP | Fdditalk Link Access Protocol |
170 | FLP | Fast Link Pulse |
171 | FPS | Frames per second |
172 | FRAD | Frame Relay Access Device |
173 | FRF | Frame Relay Forum |
174 | FRTS | Frame Relay Traffic Shaping |
175 | FTAM | File Transfer, Access, and Management |
176 | FUNI | Frame User-Network Interface |
177 | GARP | Generic Attribute Registration Protocol |
178 | GCRA | Generic Cell Rate Algorithm |
179 | GFC | Generic Flow Control |
180 | GFI | General Format Identifier |
181 | GIP | GARP Information Propagation |
182 | GMPLS | Generalized MPLS |
183 | GMRP | GARP Multicast Registration Protocol |
184 | GOLR | Gateway of Last Resort |
185 | GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation |
186 | GSMP | General Switch Management Protocol |
187 | GTS | Generic Traffic Shaping |
188 | GVRP | GARP VLAN Registration Protocol |
189 | HDLC | High-Level Data Link Control |
190 | HEC | Header Error Control |
191 | HOL | Head of Line |
192 | HRW | Highest Random Weight |
193 | HSRP | Hot Standby Router Protocol |
194 | HSTR | High-Speed Token Ring |
195 | HSTRA | High-Speed Token Ring Alliance |
196 | HTTP | Hyper Text Transfer Protocol |
197 | IAB | Internet Architecture Board |
198 | IBGP | Internal BGP |
199 | ICD | International Code Designator |
200 | ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol |
201 | ICP | Internet Control Protocol |
202 | IDI | Initial Domain Identifier |
203 | IDN | International Data Numbers |
204 | IDP | Initial Domain Part |
205 | IDP | Internet Datagram Protocol |
206 | IDRP | Inter-Domain Routing Protocol |
207 | IE | Information Element |
208 | IEC | International Electro technical Commission |
209 | IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
210 | IESG | Internet Engineering Steering Group |
211 | IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force |
212 | IFMP | Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol |
213 | IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol |
214 | IGP | Interior Gateway Protocol |
215 | ISP | Internet Service Provider |
216 | ILMI | Interim Local Management Interface |
217 | IPM | Internet Protocol Multicast |
218 | I-PNNI | Integrated-PNNI |
219 | IPX | Internet Packet exchange |
220 | IRDA | InfraRed Data Association |
221 | IRDP | ICMP Router Discovery Protocol |
222 | IRTF | Internet Research Task Force |
223 | ISDN | Integrated Services Data Network |
224 | IS-IS | Intermediate System-to-Intermediate System |
225 | ISL | Inter-Switch Link |
226 | ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
227 | ISOC | Internet Society |
228 | ISP | Internet Service Provider |
229 | ISR | Integrated Switch Router |
230 | ISUP | ISdn User Part |
231 | ITU-T | International Telecommunications Union Telecommunications Standardization Sector |
232 | IWF | InterWorking Function |
233 | IWU | InterWorking Unit |
234 | JET | Just-Enough-Time |
235 | L2TP | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol |
236 | LAG | Local Address Group |
237 | LAN | Local Area Network |
238 | LANE | LAN Emulation |
239 | LAP | Link Access Procedure |
240 | LAPB | Link Access Procedure, Balanced |
241 | LAPD | Link Access Protocol on D-Channel |
242 | LAT | Local Area Transport |
243 | LCI | Logical Channel Identifier |
244 | LCP | Link Control Protocol |
245 | LDP | Label Distribution Protocol |
246 | LEC | LAN Emulation Client |
247 | LECS | LAN Emulation Configuration Server |
248 | LES | LAN Emulation Server |
249 | LIFO | Last-In First-Out |
250 | LIS | Logical IP Subnets |
251 | LLAP | Localtalk Link Access Protocol |
252 | LLC | Logical Link Control Sublayer |
253 | LLQ | Low Latency Queuing |
254 | LMI | Local Management Interface |
255 | LMP | Link Management Protocol |
256 | LSA | Link-State Advertisements |
257 | LSAP | LLC Service Access Point |
258 | LSDB | Link-State Database |
259 | LSP | Label Switched Path |
260 | LSP | Link-State Packet |
261 | LSR | Label Switching Router |
262 | LVC | Label Virtual Circuit |
263 | MAC | Media Access Control |
264 | MAN | Metropolitan Area Network |
265 | MANET | Mobile Ad Hoc Network |
266 | MARS | Multicast Address Resolution Server |
267 | MBGP | Multicast Border Gateway Protocol |
268 | MCR | Minimum Cell Rate |
269 | MDR | Multiple Destination Routing |
270 | MED | Multi-Exit Discriminator attribute |
271 | MEMS | Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems |
272 | MHS | Message Handling Systems |
273 | MHSRP | Multiple Hot Standby Router Protocol |
274 | MIB | Management Information Base |
275 | MLPPP | Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol |
276 | MLS | Multilayer Switching |
277 | MOP | Maintenance Operations Protocol |
278 | MOSPF | Multicast OSPF |
279 | MPC | MPOA Clients |
280 | MPLS | Multiprotocol Label Switching |
281 | MPXS | Multiprotocol Lambda Switching |
282 | MPOA | Multi-Protocol over ATM |
283 | MPPE | Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption |
284 | MPR | Multipoint Relay |
285 | MPS | MPOA Server |
286 | MSAU | MultiStation Access Unit |
287 | MSDP | Multicast Source Discovery Protocol |
288 | MSF | Multiservice Switching Forum |
289 | MST | Mono Spanning Tree |
290 | MLPPP | Multilink PPP |
291 | MZAP | Multicast scope Zone Announcement Protocol |
292 | NANP | North American Numbering Plan |
293 | NAS | Network Access Server |
294 | NAT | Network Address Translation |
295 | NAUN | Nearest Active Upstream Neighbor |
296 | NBMA | Non-Broadcast, Multi-Access |
297 | NBP | Name Binding Protocol |
298 | NCP | Network Control Protocol |
299 | NCP | Netware Core Protocol |
300 | NET | Network Entity Title |
301 | NetBEUI | NetBIOS Extended User Interface |
302 | NetBIOS | Network Basic Input/output System |
303 | NIC | Network Information Center |
304 | NHC | Next Hop Client |
305 | NHRP | Next Hop Resolution Protocol |
306 | NHS | Next Hop Server |
307 | NIC | Network Interface Card |
308 | NLM | Netware Loadable Module |
309 | NLRI | Network Layer Reachability Information |
310 | NLSP | Netware Link-State Protocol |
311 | NNI | Network-to-Network Interface |
312 | NOS | Network Operating System |
313 | NRM | Normal Response Mode |
314 | NRT | Non-Real Time |
315 | NSAP | Network Service Access Point |
316 | NSO | National Standards Organization |
317 | NSP | Network Services Protocol |
318 | NSR | Non-Source Routed frame |
319 | NSSA | Not-So-Stubby Area |
320 | NT | Network Termination |
321 | NTN | National Terminal Number |
322 | OADM | Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer |
323 | OC | Optical Carrier |
324 | OCDM | Optical Code-Division Multiplexing |
325 | ODL | Optical Delay Line |
326 | ODSI | Optical Domain Services Interconnect |
327 | OEO | Optical-Electrical-Optical |
328 | OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing |
329 | OGP | Optical Gateway Protocol |
330 | OIF | Optical Interworking Forum |
331 | OLSR | Optical Label Switched Router |
332 | OLSR | Optimized Link-State Routing |
333 | OPS | Optical Packet Switching |
334 | OSI | Open Systems Interconnection |
335 | OSNR | Optical Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
336 | OSPF | Open Shortest Path First |
337 | OTN | Optical Transport Network |
338 | OXC | Optical cross-Connects |
339 | P | Provider core |
340 | PAD | Packet Assembler/Disassembler |
341 | PARC | Palo Alto Research Center |
342 | PCI | Protocol Control Information |
343 | PCM | Pulse-Code Modulation |
344 | PCR | Peak Cell Rate |
345 | PDB | Per-Domain Behavior |
346 | PDN | Public Data Network |
347 | PDU | Protocol Data Unit |
348 | PE | Provider Edge |
349 | PEP | Packet Exchange Protocol |
350 | PGL | Peer Group Leader |
351 | PGM | Pragmatic General Multicast |
352 | PHB | Per Hop Behavior |
353 | PIE | Protocol Information Element |
354 | PIM-DM | Protocol Independent Multicast Dense Mode |
355 | PIM-SM | Protocol Independent Multicast Sparse Mode |
356 | PING | Packet Internetwork Groper |
357 | PLCP | Physical Layer Convergence Procedure |
358 | PLP | Packet-Level Protocol |
359 | P-NNI | Private Network-to-Network Interface |
360 | POP | Point-Of-Presence |
361 | POS | Packet over Sonet |
362 | POS | Personal Operating Space |
363 | PPS | Point-to-Point Protocol |
364 | PPPoE | PPP over Ethernet |
365 | PPS | Packet Per Second |
366 | PPTP | Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol |
367 | PRI | Primary Rate Interface |
368 | PSE | Packet Switching Exchange |
369 | PSNP | Partial Sequence Number Packet |
370 | PT | Payload Type |
371 | PTI | Packet Type Identifier |
372 | PTSE | PNNI Topology State Element |
373 | PTSP | PNNI Topology State Packet |
374 | PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit |
375 | PVID | Port VLAN IDentifier |
376 | PVST | Per-VLAN Spanning Tree |
377 | QoS | Quality of Service |
378 | QOSF | QoS Forum |
379 | QPPB | QoS Policy Propagation via BGP |
380 | QTC | QuickTime Conferencing |
381 | RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks |
382 | RARP | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol |
383 | RD | Route Distinguisher |
384 | RD | Routing Domain |
385 | RDE | Route Determination Entity |
386 | RDI | Routing Domain Identifier |
387 | RED | Random Early Detect |
388 | RIB | Routing Information Base |
389 | RIF | Routing Information Field |
390 | RIO | RED with In-Out |
391 | RIP | Routing Information Protocol |
392 | RIPE NCC | Reseaux IP Europeens Network Coordination Center |
393 | RM | Requestor Module |
394 | RMON | Remote Monitoring |
395 | ROSE | Remote Operations Service Element |
396 | RPC | Remote Procedure Call |
397 | RPF | Reverse Path Forwarding |
398 | RPR | Resilient Packet Ring |
399 | RSP | Router Switch Processor |
400 | RSVP | Resource Reservation Protocol |
401 | RT | Real Time |
402 | RTCP | Real-time Transport Control Protocol |
403 | RTMP | Routing Table Maintenance Protocol |
404 | RTP | Real-time Transport Protocol |
405 | RTP | Routing Table Protocol |
406 | RTSE | Reliable Transfer Service Element |
407 | RTSP | Real Time Streaming Protocol |
408 | SAC | Single Attached Concentrator |
409 | SAID | Security Association IDentifier |
410 | SAN | Storage Area Networks |
411 | SAP | Service Access Point |
412 | SAP | Service Advertising Protocol |
413 | SAPI | Service Access Point Identifier |
414 | SAR | Segmentation and Reassembly |
415 | SAS | Single Attached Station |
416 | SCCP | Signaling Connection Control Part |
417 | SCM | Subcarrier Multiplexing |
418 | SCR | Sustainable Cell Rate |
419 | SCSI | Small Computer Systems Interface |
420 | SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy |
421 | SDLC | Synchronous Data Link Control |
422 | SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory |
423 | SE | Shared-Explicit filter |
424 | SIP | SMDS Interface Protocol |
425 | SLA | Service Level Agreements |
426 | SLIP | Serial Line Internet Protocol |
427 | SMDS | Switched Multimegabit Data Service |
428 | SMI | Structure of Management Information |
429 | SMON | Switch Monitoring |
430 | SMRP | Simple Multicast Routing Protocol |
431 | SNAP | Sub Network Access Protocol |
432 | SNI | Subscriber-Network Interface |
433 | SNIA | Storage Networking Industry Association |
434 | SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol |
435 | SNP | Sequence Number Protection |
436 | SNPA | Sub Network Point of Attachment |
437 | SONET | Synchronous Optical Network |
438 | SPF | Shortest Path First |
439 | SPP | Sequenced Packet Protocol |
440 | SPX | Sequenced Packet exchange |
441 | SRB | Source-Route Bridging |
442 | SRF | Specifically Routed Frame |
443 | SRT | Source Route Transparent |
444 | SS7 | Signaling System #7 |
445 | SSM | Source Specific Multicast |
446 | STA | Spanning Tree Algorithm |
447 | STE | Spanning Tree Explorer |
448 | STP | Shielded Twisted Pair |
449 | STP | Spanning Tree Protocol |
450 | STS | Synchronous Transport Signal |
451 | SVC | Switched Virtual Circuits |
452 | SVCC | Switched Virtual Circuit Connection |
453 | TA | Terminal Adapter |
454 | TAG | Technical Advisory Group |
455 | TAG | Tell-And-Go |
456 | TARP | Target Address Resolution Protocol |
457 | TAW | Tell-And-Wait |
458 | TAXI | Transmitter/Receiver Interface |
459 | TCAP | Transaction Capability |
460 | TCB | TCP Control Block |
461 | TCN | Topology Change Notification |
462 | TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol |
463 | TDM | Time Division Multiplexing |
464 | TDP | Tag Distribution Protocol |
465 | TE | Terminal Equipment |
466 | TE | Traffic Engineering |
467 | TEI | Terminal End-point Identifier |
468 | TFIB | Tag Forwarding Information Base |
469 | TIA | Telecommunications Industries Association |
470 | TIB | Tag Information Base |
471 | TLAP | Token talk Link Access Protocol |
472 | TLV | Type, Length, and Value |
473 | ToS | Type of Service |
474 | TP | Transport Protocol |
475 | TRBRF | Token Ring Bridge Relay Function |
476 | TRCRF | Token Ring Concentrator Relay Function |
477 | TTL | Time-to-Live |
478 | UBR | Unspecified Bit Rate |
479 | UDP | User Datagram Protocol |
480 | UDWDM | Ultra Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing |
482 | UPC | Usage Parameter Control |
483 | UPSR | Unidirectional Path Switched Ring |
484 | UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair |
485 | VAN | Value-Added Network |
486 | VARP | VINES Address Resolution Protocol |
487 | VBR | Variable Bit Rate |
488 | VC | Virtual Circuit |
489 | VCC | Virtual Channel Connection |
490 | VCI | Virtual Channel Identifier |
491 | VCIB | Virtual Circuit Information Base |
492 | VID | VLAN IDentifier |
493 | VINES | Virtual Integrated Network Service |
494 | VIP | VINES Internetwork Protocol |
495 | VLAN | Virtual LAN |
496 | VLSI | Very Large-Scale Integration |
497 | VLSM | Variable Length Subnet Mask |
498 | VNN | Virtual Network Navigator |
499 | VNS | Virtual Network Switching |
500 | VoIP | Voice over Internet Protocol |
501 | VoQ | Virtual Output Queuing |
502 | VPC | Virtual Path Connection |
503 | VPI | Virtual Path Identifier |
504 | VPN | Virtual Private Network |
505 | VRF | VPN Routing and Forwarding |
506 | VRRP | Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol |
507 | VTP | Virtual Terminal Protocol |
508 | VTP | Virtual Trunking Protocol |
509 | WAN | Wide Area Network |
510 | WDM | Wave Division Multiplexing |
511 | WECA | Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance |
512 | WF | Wildcard Filter |
513 | WFQ | Weighted Fair Queuing |
514 | WG | Working Group |
515 | WLANA | Wireless LANs Association |
516 | WPAN | Wireless Personal Area Network |
517 | WRED | Wireless LANs Association |
518 | WRR | Weighted Round-Robin |
519 | XNS | Xerox Network Systems |
520 | ZBR | Zone Boundary Router |
521 | ZIP | Zone Information Protocol |
522 | ZIT | Zone Information Table |
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