CISSP – Practice Test Questions – 2024 – Set 16 (53 Questions)

CISSP Part 16

Sharpen your skills and master essential concepts with this series of CISSP practice tests. Whether you’re tackling questions on asset protection, security operations management, or security architecture and engineering, each article provides a valuable opportunity to assess your readiness for the exam.

1. What is the primary purpose of “code reviews” in the software development process?

A. To optimize the software’s performance
B. To ensure the software is free from vulnerabilities
C. To ensure the quality and correctness of the code
D. To make the codebase open source

Correct Answer: C

2. Which of the following is a common method to ensure data confidentiality in software applications?

A. Data normalization
B. Data encryption
C. Data refactoring
D. Data versioning

Correct Answer: B

3. In the context of software development, what does “integrity” refer to?

A. Ensuring the software is free from vulnerabilities
B. Ensuring the data is accurate and has not been tampered with
C. Ensuring the software performs optimally
D. Ensuring the software is user-friendly

Correct Answer: B

4. Which of the following best describes “runtime application self-protection (RASP)”?

A. A method to optimize software performance during runtime
B. A tool that detects and prevents real-time application attacks
C. A technique to refactor code during runtime
D. A tool for static code analysis

Correct Answer: B

5. Which of the following is a primary concern when using third-party libraries or components in software development?

A. The size of the library or component
B. The popularity of the library or component
C. Potential vulnerabilities or security risks associated with the library or component
D. The cost of the library or component

Correct Answer: C

6. Which of the following best describes the “security by design” principle in software development?

A. Implementing security measures after the software is developed
B. Designing the software with security considerations from the outset
C. Relying solely on third-party security tools
D. Focusing only on the user interface security

Correct Answer: B

7. In the context of software development, what is the primary goal of “input validation”?

A. To optimize the software’s performance
B. To ensure the software’s user interface is intuitive
C. To verify that the input meets the specified criteria before it’s processed
D. To ensure the software is compatible with various devices

Correct Answer: C

8. Which of the following is NOT a type of “authentication” method in software development?

A. Something you know
B. Something you have
C. Something you are
D. Something you dislike

Correct Answer: D

9. What is the primary purpose of “penetration testing” in the software development process?

A. To document the software development process
B. To ensure the software’s user interface is user-friendly
C. To identify vulnerabilities by simulating cyberattacks on the software
D. To verify the software’s compatibility with various operating systems

Correct Answer: C

10. Which of the following best describes “two-factor authentication (2FA)” in software development?

A. Using two different passwords for authentication
B. Verifying the user’s identity using two different methods or factors
C. Using biometric authentication twice for added security
D. Asking the user to input their password at two different stages of login

Correct Answer: B

11. In software development, what does “availability” in the context of the CIA triad refer to?

A. Ensuring that software is free from vulnerabilities
B. Ensuring that software is accessible and usable when needed
C. Ensuring that software data remains confidential
D. Ensuring that software data is accurate and trustworthy

Correct Answer: B

12. Which of the following is a common method to ensure “data integrity” in software applications?

A. Data compression
B. Data encryption
C. Data hashing
D. Data visualization

Correct Answer: C

13. What is the primary concern of “defense in depth” in software security?

A. Relying on a single layer of security
B. Implementing multiple layers of security measures
C. Focusing solely on external threats
D. Prioritizing speed over security

Correct Answer: B

14. In the context of software development, what does “confidentiality” in the CIA triad refer to?

A. Ensuring that software is free from vulnerabilities
B. Ensuring that software data remains private and restricted to authorized individuals
C. Ensuring that software is accessible and usable when needed
D. Ensuring that software data is accurate and trustworthy

Correct Answer: B

15. Which of the following best describes the “principle of non-repudiation” in software security?

A. Ensuring that users cannot deny their actions
B. Ensuring that software is free from vulnerabilities
C. Verifying the user’s identity using multiple authentication methods
D. Ensuring that data remains confidential

Correct Answer: A

16. In the context of software security, which of the following best describes “data at rest”?

A. Data that is being transmitted over a network
B. Data that is stored and not actively being used or processed
C. Data that is currently being processed by an application
D. Data that is temporarily stored in memory

Correct Answer: B

17. Which of the following is a primary concern when considering “data in transit” in software security?

A. Ensuring data storage optimization
B. Ensuring data remains confidential while being transmitted
C. Ensuring data is regularly backed up
D. Ensuring data is indexed for faster retrieval

Correct Answer: B

18. What is the main goal of “security patches” in the software development process?

A. To add new features to the software
B. To improve the software’s user interface
C. To fix known security vulnerabilities in the software
D. To optimize the software’s performance

Correct Answer: C

19. Which of the following best describes “zero-day vulnerabilities” in software security?

A. Vulnerabilities that are discovered and patched within a day
B. Vulnerabilities that have no impact on the software’s functionality
C. Vulnerabilities that are unknown to the software developer and have no available patches
D. Vulnerabilities that are discovered during the software’s first day of release

Correct Answer: C

20. In the context of software security, what is the primary purpose of “intrusion detection systems (IDS)”?

A. To detect and prevent unauthorized access to the software
B. To back up the software’s data
C. To optimize the software’s performance
D. To manage user permissions and roles

Correct Answer: A

21. Which of the following is NOT a type of “malware”?

A. Ransomware
B. Adware
C. Debugger
D. Trojan

Correct Answer: C

22. What is the primary goal of “allowlisting” in software security?

A. To list all known vulnerabilities in the software
B. To specify which users have administrative privileges
C. To define a list of approved software or processes that are allowed to run
D. To list all outdated components of the software

Correct Answer: C

23. Which of the following best describes “phishing” in the context of software security threats?

A. An attack where the attacker floods the network with excessive requests
B. An attack where the attacker tricks users into revealing sensitive information
C. An attack where the attacker exploits a zero-day vulnerability
D. An attack where the attacker uses brute force to crack passwords

Correct Answer: B

24. In software security, what is the primary purpose of “firewalls”?

A. To detect software bugs and errors
B. To manage user permissions and roles
C. To monitor and control incoming and outgoing network traffic
D. To back up the software’s data

Correct Answer: C

25. Which of the following is a common method to ensure “data redundancy” in software applications?

A. Data encryption
B. Data compression
C. Data replication
D. Data hashing

Correct Answer: C

26. In the context of software security, which of the following best describes “heuristic analysis”?

A. A method of detecting malware based on known signatures
B. A method of analyzing software performance metrics
C. A method of detecting potential threats based on behavioral patterns
D. A method of encrypting data for secure transmission

Correct Answer: C

27. Which of the following is a primary concern when considering “data disposal” in software security?

A. Ensuring data is transmitted securely
B. Ensuring data is stored in an optimized format
C. Ensuring data is permanently deleted and cannot be recovered
D. Ensuring data is regularly backed up

Correct Answer: C

28. What is the main goal of “security awareness training” in the context of software security?

A. To teach developers how to write code
B. To inform users about the latest software features
C. To educate employees about security threats and best practices
D. To introduce new security tools and technologies

Correct Answer: C

29. Which of the following best describes “brute-force attacks” in software security?

A. Exploiting software vulnerabilities using advanced tools
B. Attempting to guess passwords or encryption keys through trial and error
C. Sending large volumes of data to crash a system
D. Tricking users into revealing their credentials

Correct Answer: B

30. In the context of software security, what does “hardening” refer to?

A. Making the software’s user interface more intuitive
B. Strengthening the software against potential attacks or vulnerabilities
C. Compressing the software’s data for optimized storage
D. Upgrading the software to the latest version

Correct Answer: B

31. Which of the following is NOT a type of “intrusion detection system (IDS)”?

A. Network-based IDS
B. Host-based IDS
C. Signature-based IDS
D. Encryption-based IDS

Correct Answer: D

32. What is the primary purpose of “role-based access control (RBAC)” in software security?

A. To define user roles based on their job functions
B. To encrypt user data based on their roles
C. To monitor user activities in real time
D. To back up user data based on their roles

Correct Answer: A

33. In software security, which of the following best describes “honeypots”?

A. Software tools to detect vulnerabilities in the code
B. Decoy systems designed to attract potential attackers
C. Systems designed to store sensitive data securely
D. Tools to optimize the performance of the software

Correct Answer: B

34. Which of the following best describes “cross-site scripting (XSS)” in the context of software security threats?

A. An attack where malicious scripts are injected into trusted websites
B. An attack where the attacker floods the network with excessive requests
C. An attack where the attacker gains unauthorized access to the database
D. An attack where the attacker redirects users to a fake website

Correct Answer: A

35. What is the primary goal of “input sanitization” in the software development process?

A. To optimize the software’s performance
B. To ensure the software’s user interface is user-friendly
C. To clean user input to prevent malicious data from harming the system
D. To compress user input data for optimized storage

Correct Answer: C

36. In the context of software security, which of the following best describes “tokenization”?

A. The process of converting sensitive data into nonsensitive tokens
B. The process of authenticating users based on tokens
C. The process of optimizing software tokens for better performance
D. The process of distributing software tokens to users

Correct Answer: A

37. Which of the following is a primary concern when considering “secure software deployment”?

A. Ensuring the software is compatible with all devices
B. Ensuring the software is free from known vulnerabilities before deployment
C. Ensuring the software has the latest features
D. Ensuring the software is available in multiple languages

Correct Answer: B

38. What is the main goal of “digital signatures” in the context of software security?

A. To optimize the software’s performance
B. To verify the authenticity and integrity of a message or document
C. To encrypt data for secure storage
D. To provide a unique identifier for each user

Correct Answer: B

39. In software security, which of the following best describes “cross-site request forgery (CSRF)”?

A. An attack where the attacker tricks a user into executing unwanted actions on a web application
B. An attack where the attacker injects malicious scripts into trusted websites
C. An attack where the attacker gains unauthorized access to user accounts
D. An attack where the attacker redirects users to malicious websites

Correct Answer: A

40. Which of the following is NOT a primary component of “public key infrastructure (PKI)”?

A. Digital certificate
B. Certificate authority (CA)
C. Key exchange protocol
D. Private key

Correct Answer: C

41. What is the primary purpose of “secure boot” in the context of software security?

A. To ensure faster booting of the system
B. To ensure that only signed and trusted software can run during the system startup
C. To encrypt data during the boot process
D. To provide a user-friendly interface during booting

Correct Answer: B

42. In the context of software security, what does “chain of trust” refer to?

A. A sequence of trusted entities ensuring overall system security
B. A sequence of software patches applied to the system
C. A sequence of user authentication methods
D. A sequence of encryption algorithms used in the system

Correct Answer: A

43. Which of the following best describes “containerization” in software security?

A. The process of segmenting software into isolated environments
B. The process of encrypting software containers
C. The process of optimizing software containers for better performance
D. The process of distributing software containers to users

Correct Answer: A

44. What is the primary goal of “anomaly-based intrusion detection” in software security?

A. To detect intrusions based on known attack signatures
B. To detect intrusions based on deviations from a baseline of normal behavior
C. To detect intrusions based on user feedback
D. To detect intrusions based on system performance metrics

Correct Answer: B

45. Which of the following is NOT a type of “access control” in software security?

A. Mandatory access control (MAC)
B. Role-based access control (RBAC)
C. Discretionary access control (DAC)
D. Performance-based access control (PBAC)

Correct Answer: D

46. In the context of software security, which of the following best describes “sandboxing”?

A. The process of testing software in a controlled environment
B. The process of isolating applications in a restricted environment to prevent malicious activities
C. The process of optimizing software for better performance
D. The process of backing up software data

Correct Answer: B

47. Which of the following is a primary concern when considering “secure coding practices”?

A. Ensuring the software has a user-friendly interface
B. Ensuring the software is developed without introducing vulnerabilities
C. Ensuring the software is compatible with all devices
D. Ensuring the software has the latest features

Correct Answer: B

48. What is the main goal of “data loss prevention (DLP)” tools in the context of software security?

A. To optimize the software’s performance
B. To prevent unauthorized access and data breaches
C. To prevent the unintentional loss or exposure of sensitive data
D. To ensure data is stored in an optimized format

Correct Answer: C

49. In software security, which of the following best describes “session management”?

A. The process of managing user access to software features
B. The process of managing and maintaining the state of a user’s interaction with software
C. The process of managing software updates
D. The process of managing software backups

Correct Answer: B

50. Which of the following is NOT a primary component of “Identity and Access Management (IAM)”?

A. User authentication
B. User authorization
C. User profiling
D. Role-based access

Correct Answer: C

51. What is the primary purpose of “cryptographic hashing” in software security?

A. To create a unique fixed-size output from input data
B. To encrypt data for secure transmission
C. To optimize data storage
D. To create a backup of data

Correct Answer: A

52. Which of the following best describes “security orchestration, automation, and response (SOAR)” in software security?

A. A platform for managing and automating security operations
B. A tool for static code analysis
C. A method for optimizing software performance
D. A tool for user authentication

Correct Answer: A

53. In the context of software security, what does “endpoint protection” refer to?

A. Protecting the software’s database endpoints
B. Protecting the user interface of the software
C. Protecting devices like computers and mobile devices that connect to the network
D. Protecting the software’s API endpoints

Correct Answer: C

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