Four Ways To List all Disk Partitions in Ubuntu

Linux List Partitions Ubuntu Techhyme

The purpose of this guide is to list all disk partitions, and their sizes on a Linux operating system. This will help you identify what hardware storage you have available, how the disks are partitioned or sliced, and what sizes each of them are.

1. The lsblk Command

The lsblk command will show all storage devices connected to your system, their configured partitions, and the sizes.

Command: lsblk

The screenshot below shows us that we have one hard drive identified as sda, with a size of 150 GB. You can see its partitions and their sizes listed under the disk (sda1, sda2 and sda3).

List Disk Partitions Ubuntu Techhyme

2. The fdisk Command

The fdisk command is another way to retrieve the same information.

Command: fdisk -l

Below that, you can see the partitions, their sizes, and what the partitions are used for (Logical/Physical, BIOS, Linux filesystem, etc).

List Disk Partitions Ubuntu Techhyme

3. The df Command

The df is a good way to see all the partitions on the system in a clean way, but it does not list unpartitioned block devices. It will also show the partition size, percentage currently in use, and where the partition has been mounted.

Command: df -h

We recommend using the -h attribute to put the output in human readable format.


  • Filesystem – /dev/sda3
  • Total Size – 147G
  • Used – 12G
  • Available – 127G
  • % in use – 9%
  • Mounted on – /

List Disk Partitions Ubuntu Techhyme

4. With GUI Method

All Linux distros and desktop environments should also include a GUI application that can also be used to view disk and partition information.

In Ubuntu, this utility is simply called “Disks.” This could vary on other distros, but should not be hard to find in the menus. In windows 10/11, You can find the same feature under Settings -> System -> Storage.

List Disk Partitions Ubuntu Techhyme

In this article, we saw how to list all disks, partitions, and sizes on a Linux system using both command line and GUI method.

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