SCRUMVersity Approved Agile Coach (SAAC) plans on training the Scrum experts to oversee complex Scrum tasks and actualize Scrum in complex activities including enormous undertakings in groups, projects and various portfolios. It additionally encourages professionals to get numerous implementation platforms and conference projects in Scrum.
Scrum is a popular Agile framework that incorporates the best principles that Agile has to offer. In this article on Scrum interview questions, we’re going to help you learn everything you need to know to ace your next Scrum Interview.
QUESTION 1 – What kind of software development projects can be executed by Scrum Project Management Framework?
A) Complete software packages
B) Customer projects
C) Sub-systems, components or parts of bigger systems
D) All kinds of software development projects
E) None of the given answers
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 2 – What does NOT belong to cornerstones of the agile manifesto?
A) Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
B) Working software over comprehensive documentation
C) Processes over people
D) Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
E) Responding to change over following a plan
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 3 – What is defined by the Scrum Framework?
1) Rules & Roles
2) Document guidelines
3) Artifacts and events
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 1, 3
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 4 – Where are the customer requirements stored?
A) In the Product Backlog
B) In the Sprint Backlog
C) In a database
D) Ina Scrum Product Requirement Specification
E) The Scrum Product Owner knows them
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 5 – Which ones of the following main roles are defined by Scrum Framework?
1) Scrum Tester
2) The Scrum Team
3) Scrum Manager
4) Scrum Master
5) Scrum Product Owner
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B) 2, 3, 4, 5
C) 2, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 3, 4
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 6 – Which ones of the following main events are defined by Scrum Framework?
1) Sprint Planning Meeting
2) Sprint Retrospective Meeting
3) Sprint Review Meeting
4) Mid-Sprint Status Review Meeting
5) Daily Scrum Meeting
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
B) 1, 2, 3, 4
C) 1, 3, 4, 5
D) 1, 2, 3, 5
E) 1, 3, 5
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 7 – Which concept is NOT defined in the Scrum Framework?
A) Scrum Master
B) Project Manager
C) Scrum Product Owner
D) Daily Scrum
E) Serum Product Burndown
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 8 – What is important in all Scrum projects?
1) Self-organization
2) Clear hierarchies in the company
3) Communication
4) Continuous improvement
A) 1, 2, 3, 4
B) 1, 3, 4
C) 1, 4
D) 1
E) 1, 2
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 9 – In software engineering what are the disadvantages of the classical waterfall model?
1) End-Product has to be fully anticipated beforehand.
2) Some requirements are implemented as defined in the beginning of the project, and yet they are not really needed by the customer.
3) Each phase is strictly separated.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 1, 2
E) 1, 2, 3
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 10 – What are the advantages of the Scrum Framework?
A) Fine-grained requirements are only defined when they are really needed.
B) All activities to design, build and test certain functionality are kept together in one phase.
C) Changes are expected and welcomed by Scrum team.
D) All of the given answers
E) None of the given answers
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 11 – Who is responsible for maximizing the return on investment (ROI)?
A) Scrum Master
B) Scrum Product Owner
C) The Scrum Team
D) Project Manager
E) Tester
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 12 – How many people should be in a Scrum Team?
A) 7+/-2
B) S+/-1
C) 4+/-5
D) Less than 10
E) More than 9
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 13 – Which one of the following meetings are part of a Sprint Planning Meeting?
A) WHAT-Meeting
B) HOW-Meeting
C) HOW MUCH-Meeting
D) WHAT-Meeting and HOW-Meeting
E) WHAT-Meeting and HOW MUCH-Meeting
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 14 – What is the goal of the WHAT-Meeting?
A) To define a realistic Sprint Backlog containing all items that could be fully implemented until the end of the Sprint.
B) To clarify all open questions regarding a given feature.
C) To discuss requirements with the customer.
D) To present development results to the management.
E) To inform the team about what they need to implement next.
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 15 – What is necessary for a successful WHAT-Meeting?
1) A Sprint Goal
2) The relevant entries in the Scrum Backlog are presented
3) The team knows their capacity
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 1, 2
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 17 – What is the goal of the Sprint Retrospective Meeting?
1) Reflect on negative issues during the last Sprint.
2) Define actionable suggestions to improve performance.
3) Reflect on positive issues during the last Sprint.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 1, 2, 3
E) 1, 2
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 18 – What is the goal of the Sprint Review Meeting?
A) Present and demonstrate the completed Sprint Backlog items.
B) Reflect on positive and negative issues during the last sprint.
C) Review of customer requirements.
D) Review of development documentation.
E) Report status to management.
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 19 – What is the goal of the Daily Sprint Meeting?
A) Report status to management.
B) Each member of the team gives a short info about what he did yesterday, what he plans to do next and if there are an impediments.
C) Discuss the requirements with the team.
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 20 – What is NOT part of the Scrum Product Backlog?
1) Detailed tasks
2) Recurring meetings like Daily Scrum
3) User stories
4) Tasks for exploration of features
5) Administrative tasks
A) None of these should be in the Product Backlog.
B) 1, 2, 5
C) 3
D) 2, 3, 4
E) 1, 2, 4, 5
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 21 – Who is responsible for maintaining the Scrum Product Backlog?
A) The Scrum Team
B) Upper Management
C) Customer
D) Scrum Product Owner
E) Scrum Master
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 22 – What is the Scrum Backlog?
A) List of things which the Scrum Team might do in the future.
B) List of items that are behind schedule.
C) A list of high level requirements and user stories that need to be done within the project.
D) List of project milestones.
E) Action items to be sorted out in a given sprint.
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 23 – What is NOT true for the entries in the Scrum Backlog?
A) All Product backlog entries add value to the product and customer.
B) Level of detail is high for all Product backlog entries.
C) In general Product backlog entries are prioritized and ordered.
D) In general there are high level estimates for Product backlog entries.
E) Product backlog entries are not action items.
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 24 – Which of the following is a user story?
A) As an authenticated user, I wants to see all my action items.
B) Login must be possible.
C) List of action items for Login User Operation.
D) Login.
E) What happens if I login?
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 25 – What are properties of the Scrum Product Backlog?
1) Entries always add value for the customer.
2) Entries are prioritized and ordered accordingly.
3) The level of detail depends on the position of the entry.
4) Entries are estimated.
5) It is a living document.
6) No action-items and no low-level tasks are yet defined.
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
B) 1, 3, 4, 5, 6
C) 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
D) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
E) 1, 2, 3
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 26 – How much time should the Scrum Team allocate to maintain the Scrum Product Backlog (discussions, estimations etc.)?
A) The Scrum Product Owner is responsible for this.
B) Less than 2% of overall project.
C) About 10% of overall project.
D) About 20% of overall project.
E) More than 20% of overall project.
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 27 – What is the correct order of steps during planning poker?
1) Each member of the Scrum Team privately chooses the card representing the estimation.
2) The Scrum Product Owner presents the story.
3) The Scrum Team asks questions.
4) People with high and low estimates are allowed to explain their estimate.
5) All selections are revealed.
6) Repeat until a consensus is found among all team members.
A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
B) 2, 3, 1, 5, 4, 6
C) 6, 4, 2, 5, 3, 1
D) 4, 3, 5, 6, 2, 1
E) 5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 3
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 28 – What metric is used to estimate with Planning Poker?
A) Numeric sizing (1 through 10)
B) T-shirt sizes (XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL)
C ) The Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.)
D) Person Hours
E) Person Months
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 29 – Why can Fibonacci sequence (1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, etc.) be used to estimate the backlog items?
A) It looks cool.
B) To make the estimation results transparent to the management.
C) It fairly reflects the correlation between increasing complexity and increasing estimates.
D) To compare estimations with the estimations of other teams.
E) None of the given answers.
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 30 – What is a Release Plan?
1. A very high-level plan for multiple Sprints.
2. A guideline that reflects expectations about which features will be implemented and when they are shipped to customer.
3. The list of milestones defined by management.
A) 1, 2, 3
B) 1, 3
C) 2, 3
D) 1, 2
E) 3
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 31 – In agile software engineering projects what is the first step to ensure proper software architecture?
A) Hire the most expensive Architects from the industry.
B) Find out all of the architectural requirements from the beginning of the project.
C) Create an architectural vision.
D) Ensure commercial tools to sketch necessary architecture diagrams are in place.
E) Ensure architects have the required power and authority to dominate the team with their decisions.
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 32 – Which is NOT one of the Agile Design Principles?
A) Open Closed Principle
B) Single Responsibility Principle
C) Dependency Inversion Principle
D) Interface Segregation Principle
E) Early Sign-off of High Level Solution Design Principle
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 33 – Which is one of the typical tasks for a Scrum Team Member?
A) Maintain a project plan.
B) Participate daily Scrum meetings.
C) Work continuously with the customer to better understand the project challenges.
D) Pre-sales of the products under development.
E) Management reporting.
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 34 – Which is NOT one of the skills that need to be mandatorily possessed by a Scrum team?
A) Marketing
B) Design
C) Development
D) Build
E) Test
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 35 – Which is NOT one of the events that a Scrum team member needs to mandatorily participate?
A) Daily Scrum Meeting
B) Sprint Retrospective Meeting
C) Sprint Planning Meeting
D) Customer Demonstrations
E) Estimation Poker
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 36 – What should a Scrum Team Member do, after he completes a certain task?
A) Talk to Scrum Master to find out his next task.
B) Talk to Scrum Product Owner to find out his next task.
C) Pick up a not-yet-started activity from Scrum Task Board.
D) Already start some critically important activities which may influence the success of the next Sprints.
E) Sit and wait until somebody asks him to work on another task.
Correct Answer – A
QUESTION 37 – During the Scrum Planning Meeting, Scrum Team Members notice that a particular task that they ought to work on the Sprint will take around a week. What should the Scrum Team do?
A) The task will take as long as it should take.
B) Discuss with the Scrum Master if this is OK.
C) Discuss with the Scrum Product Owner if this is OK.
D) Ignore and forget about this task, as Scrum is not qualified to take care with such long-running activities.
E) Divide the task into multiple tasks, each takes between 4 and 16 hours.
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 40 – Which is NOT one of the Scrum Testing Practices?
A) All code must have unit tests.
B) Testing is done in some dedicated testing sprints towards the end of the overall project.
C) All code must pass all unit tests before it can be released.
D) When a bug is found, associated tests to ensure the resolution of this bug are created.
E) Acceptance tests are run often and the score is published.
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 41 – What is the main responsibility of a Scrum Team?
A) Coding
B) Project Management
C) Product Design
D) Facilitate and organize Scrum events
E) Delivering the product
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 42 – Which term identifies the durational restriction of a certain Scrum event?
A) Timeboxing
B) Timelimiting
C) Timesetting
D) Timefollowing
E) Timewatching
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 43 – Which role in Scrum Framework represents the voice of Customer?
A) All individuals including Scrum Team Members, Scrum Master and Scrum Product Owner.
B) Scrum Product Owner
C) Scrum Master
D) Product Manager
E) Project Manager
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 44 – Which is NOT one of the attributes of Scrum Framework?
A) It challenges the conventional ideas about management.
B) In Scrum feedback loops constitute the core element of product development.
C) It does not fit to the complex projects that should be implemented by distributed teams.
D) It represents a radically new approach for planning and managing software projects.
E) It brings decision-making authority to the level of operational facts and certainties rather than traditional command-and control oriented management.
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 45 – What should a scrum team ideally at the end of each sprint?
A) Detailed break-down of completed activities.
B) Potentially shippable Product Increment.
C) Detailed Design Documents.
D) Detailed Acceptance Test Documents.
E) Better Productivity.
Correct Answer – C
QUESTION 46 – Which term identifies anything that prevents a Scrum Team Member from performing work as efficiently as possible?
A) Show-stopper
B) Incident
C) Issue
D) Impediment
E) Defect
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 47 – Which is NOT one of the questions that need to be answered during the Scrum of Scrum meetings?
A) Are you about to put something in another team’s way?
B) is anything slowing your team down or getting in their way?
C) What will your team do before we meet again?
D) What has your team done since we last met?
E) How are the process improvement measures decided during the last Sprint Retrospective meeting functioning?
Correct Answer – D
QUESTION 48 – Which is NOT one of the task statuses that used on a Scrum Task Board?
A) Product Backlog Item
B) Started Tasks
C) Tasks
D) Canceled
E) Done
Correct Answer – E
QUESTION 49 – Which is NOT one of the Scrum Planning Practices?
A) Scrum Product Owner is responsible for the overall Project Planning.
B) Release planning creates the release schedule.
C) Make frequent small releases.
D) The project is divided into iterations.
E) Iteration planning starts each iteration.
Correct Answer – B
QUESTION 50 – Which is NOT one of the Scrum Designing Practices?
A) Simplicity.
B) Design Patterns.
C) No functionality is added earlier than it is needed.
D) Refactor whenever and wherever it is possible.
E) Create inexpensive prototypes to reduce risk.
Correct Answer – C
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