Top 10 Elasticsearch Queries You Need To Know

Elasticsearch Queries Techhyme

Elasticsearch has emerged as a powerful search and analytics engine, widely adopted by organizations for its speed, scalability, and flexibility. It offers an extensive query DSL (Domain Specific Language) that allows users to retrieve data with precision and efficiency.

In this article, we will explore the top 10 Elasticsearch queries that can help you unlock the full potential of your data and gain valuable insights.

1. Match Query

This query finds documents that contain a specific term or phrase.

 "query": {
  "match": {
   "field_name": "search_term"

2. Term Query

This query finds documents that contain an exact term in a specific field.

 "query": {
  "term": {
   "field_name": "search_term"

3. Range Query

This query finds documents that have values within a specified range.

 "query": {
  "range": {
   "field_name": {
    "gte": "start_value",
    "lte": "end_value"

4. Bool Query

This query combines multiple queries using boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT).

 "query": {
  "bool": {
   "must": [
    { "match": { "field1": "value1" } },
    { "match": { "field2": "value2" } }
   "should": [
    { "match": { "field3": "value3" } }
   "must_not": [
    { "match": { "field4": "value4" } }

5. Wildcard Query

This query finds documents that match a pattern using wildcard characters.

 "query": {
  "wildcard": {
   "field_name": "search_pattern*"

6. Prefix Query

This query finds documents that have a specific prefix in a field.

 "query": {
  "prefix": {
   "field_name": "prefix_value"

7. Match Phrase Prefix Query

This query finds documents that contain a phrase prefix.

 "query": {
  "match_phrase_prefix": {
   "field_name": "search_phrase_prefix"

8. Fuzzy Query

This query finds documents that match a term approximately.

 "query": {
  "fuzzy": {
   "field_name": {
    "value": "search_term",
    "fuzziness": "auto"

9. Multi-match Query

This query searches multiple fields for a given term.

 "query": {
  "multi_match": {
   "query": "search_term",
   "fields": ["field1", "field2"]

10. Aggregation Query

This query performs aggregations on the data, such as sum, average, max, min, etc.

 "aggs": {
  "aggregation_name": {
   "aggregation_type": {
    "field": "field_name"

These queries provide a good starting point for various search and aggregation scenarios in Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch’s query DSL provides a wide range of powerful and flexible tools to search and analyze your data. The top 10 queries mentioned in this article serve as a starting point to harness the full potential of Elasticsearch’s search capabilities.

By understanding and leveraging these queries, you can extract meaningful insights, enhance search functionality, and optimize performance in your Elasticsearch-based applications.

Remember to adapt them to your specific field names, values, and requirements.

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