Apache Bench Tutorial Techhyme

How to Use Apache Bench for Load Testing

Load testing is a critical aspect of ensuring that your web server can handle various levels of traffic and user interactions. Apache Bench, commonly known as ab, is a powerful tool designed to…

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SSL Certificate Techhyme

How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Apache

Securing the communication between a web server and its users is crucial for protecting sensitive data from potential threats. One way to achieve this security is through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. While…

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custom 404 page Techhyme

How To Create Custom 404 Page in Apache

Did you know that Apache, one of the most widely used web servers, provides a simple way to configure custom 404 error pages for your website? With the ErrorDocument directive, you can easily…

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mod_rewrite Enable Techhyme

How To Enable mod_rewrite in XAMPP and WAMP

mod_rewrite is a powerful Apache module that allows web developers to manipulate URLs easily by enabling redirection and rewriting rules. If you are using XAMPP or WAMP to run your Apache web server…

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Restrict IP Address Apache Web Server Techhyme

How to Restrict Access by IP in Apache Web Server

In the realm of web server security, restricting access to specific IP addresses is a fundamental measure to control and safeguard your resources. Apache, a widely used web server, provides a flexible and…

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Disable Server Signature Techhyme

How To Disable Server Signature with .htaccess or Apache Configuration

Server signatures, also known as server banners or server identifiers, provide information about the web server software running on a particular website. While this information can be useful for legitimate purposes, it can…

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Apache Best Practices Techhyme

Best Practices to Harden Apache for DevSecOps

Apache HTTP Server is one of the most widely used web servers in the world. In a DevSecOps environment, securing the Apache server is essential to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of…

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Apache Web Server Error Levels Techhyme

Understanding Apache Web Server Error Levels

The Apache web server, a robust and widely used software, employs a comprehensive error reporting system to help administrators and developers diagnose issues effectively. These error levels provide insights into the severity and…

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