Top 100 Cyber Threats

Top 100 Cyber Threats You Need To Know

The landscape of cyber threats is vast and constantly evolving, posing significant challenges to individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide. Here, we explore into the top 100 cyber threats, explaining each one with examples…

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Insecure and Secure Ports Techhyme

Understanding Insecure and Secure Ports in Networking

In the realm of computer networking, ports play a crucial role in facilitating communication between devices and services over a network. Ports are like doors through which data travels in and out of…

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WordPress Security Checklist

WordPress Security Checklist – 2024 Updated List

WordPress remains one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) globally, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. However, its widespread use also makes it a prime target for malicious…

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Data Integrity

What is Data Integrity? A Comprehensive Overview

Data integrity encompasses the overall correctness, completeness, and consistency of data. It ensures that information remains accurate, dependable, and secure throughout its lifecycle. Not only does data integrity involve maintaining the quality of…

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Sudoers Add User Techhyme

How to Add a User to Sudoers on Ubuntu

In many Linux environments, it’s common to grant sudo access to non-privileged users for performing administrative tasks. This practice ensures that certain actions, typically requiring root privileges, can be executed without granting full…

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ss command examples techhyme

25 Useful Linux SS Command Examples to Monitor Network Connections

The `ss` command in Linux is a powerful utility that provides detailed information about network socket connections. It is considered an advanced version of the older `netstat` command, offering more features and flexibility….

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Remote Desktop Connection Command Line Techhyme

How to Start Remote Desktop (RDP) From the Command Prompt

Remote Desktop, a powerful feature in Windows, allows users to connect to a remote computer as if they were physically present at the machine. While many users rely on the graphical interface to…

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Vulnerability Assessment

Top 6 Key Components of Intranet Vulnerability Assessment

As organizations rely heavily on internal networks for seamless operations, securing these intranets from potential threats is paramount. The Intranet Vulnerability Assessment serves as a vital tool in identifying and documenting vulnerabilities that…

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Information Security

Essential Advice for Information Security Professionals

Embarking on a career in information security is both rewarding and challenging. Aspiring information security professionals enter a dynamic field where the landscape is ever-evolving, and adaptability is key to success. Here are…

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ChatGPT prompts

219 ChatGPT Prompts for Excel Mastery

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool that has been a staple in offices and businesses for decades. Its versatility in handling data, creating visualizations, and performing complex calculations makes it an indispensable asset…

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CISO Roles Techhyme

The Role and Responsibilities of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO)

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, organizations recognize the paramount importance of safeguarding their digital assets. At the forefront of this effort stands the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), a strategic business leader…

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SSL Certificate Techhyme

How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Apache

Securing the communication between a web server and its users is crucial for protecting sensitive data from potential threats. One way to achieve this security is through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. While…

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Basic Authentication Nginx Techhyme

How To Configure Basic Authentication in NGINX

Securing your web server is paramount in today’s digital landscape, and one effective method to restrict access to specific pages or areas is by implementing basic authentication. NGINX, a popular web server and…

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Restrict IP Address Apache Web Server Techhyme

How to Restrict Access by IP in Apache Web Server

In the realm of web server security, restricting access to specific IP addresses is a fundamental measure to control and safeguard your resources. Apache, a widely used web server, provides a flexible and…

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Disable ETag Nginx Techhyme

How To Disable ETag Header in NGINX

The ETag (Entity Tag) header is a crucial component of web servers that facilitates efficient cache validation and conditional requests by browsers. However, in certain scenarios, disabling ETag may be necessary to mitigate…

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