WordPress Security Checklist – 2024 Updated List

WordPress Security Checklist

WordPress remains one of the most popular content management systems (CMS) globally, powering over 40% of all websites on the internet. However, its widespread use also makes it a prime target for malicious activities.

To safeguard your website and sensitive data, it’s crucial to follow a comprehensive security checklist. In this article, we’ll explore an updated WordPress security checklist for 2024 to help you fortify your website against potential threats.

S. No. Configuration Type
1 Change default security keys WP-Config
2 Block multiple login attempts Login Page
3 Enable 2-step authentication Login Page
4 Use an email to log in instead of a username Login Page
5 Change your login page address Login Page
6 Remove links to your login page (if one exists in your theme) Login Page
7 Use strong passwords with upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters on all accounts Login Page
8 Change your password periodically (30 Days) Login Page
9 Make the generic login error message Login Page
10 Disable the WP REST API if you are not using it Login Page
11 Password protect the wp-admin folder Admin Panel
12 Update WordPress to its latest version Admin Panel
13 Do not use an account with an admin username. If it exists, create a new account and delete the old one Admin Panel
14 Create an Editor account and only use it to publish your content Admin Panel
15 Implement SSL Admin Panel
16 Install a plugin to check if any files have been edited (WP Security Scan, Wordfence or iThemes Security) Admin Panel
17 Scan the website for viruses, malware and security vulnerabilities Admin Panel
18 Update the active theme to its latest version Themes
19 Delete inactive themes Themes
20 Only install themes from trusted sources Themes
21 Remove the WordPress version in the theme Themes
22 Update all plugins to their latest versions Plugins
23 Delete inactive plugins Plugins
24 Only install plugins from trusted sources Plugins
25 Replace outdated plugins with alternative, up-to-date versions Plugins
26 Think carefully before installing more plugins Plugins
27 Change the table prefix Database
28 Configure weekly backups of your database (WP Backup, WP DB Backup, etc.) Database
29 Use strong passwords with upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters in the database user Database
30 Use reliable hosting Hosting
31 Access your server only via SFTP or SSH Hosting
32 Set folder permissions to 755 and files to 644 Hosting
33 Make sure your wp-config.php file cannot be accessed by others Hosting
34 Remove or restrict access to files such as license.txt, wp-config-sample.php, and readme.html using the .htaccess file. Hosting
35 Disable the editor via wp-config.php with the code: define(‘DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT’,true); Hosting
36 Prevent directory searching via .htaccess with the code: Options All -Indexes Hosting
37 Monitor database, themes and plugins for file changes Hosting

WordPress security is an ongoing process that requires diligence and proactive measures. By following this security checklist, you can significantly reduce the risk of your website falling victim to common threats.

Regularly staying informed about emerging security trends and promptly addressing vulnerabilities will contribute to a safer online environment for both website owners and visitors.

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