Software Development Lifecycle

Software Development Lifecycle – A Comprehensive Overview of Phases

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a systematic process that guides the development of software applications, ensuring efficiency, quality, and successful project completion. Regardless of the specific SDLC model adopted, several fundamental phases…

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Computer Techhyme

A Ten-Point Guide on Coexisting with Your Computer

In the digital age, our computers have become steadfast companions, aiding us in various aspects of our daily lives. To ensure a harmonious and productive relationship with this indispensable technological ally, consider this…

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SSL Certificate Techhyme

How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Apache

Securing the communication between a web server and its users is crucial for protecting sensitive data from potential threats. One way to achieve this security is through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. While…

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Internet Protocols Techhyme

8 Essential Internet Protocols You Must Know

In the digital age, understanding internet protocols is crucial. These sets of rules govern how data is sent and received over the internet, ensuring smooth and efficient communication. Here are eight essential internet…

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WordPress Random Pages Techhyme

How to Showcase a List of Random Pages in WordPress Using a Simple Code

Are you interested in adding an element of randomness to your WordPress site by displaying a list of random pages? While plugins are available for various functionalities, we’ve crafted a quick and efficient…

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ElasticSearch Key Components Techhyme

6 Important Key Components of ElasticSearch

ElasticSearch, an open-source search server project, has evolved into a powerhouse in the field of search solutions since its inception by Shay Banon in February 2010. With its distributed nature and real-time capabilities,…

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SSL Certificate Expiry Date Check Techhyme

How To Check SSL Certificate Expiry Date from Certificate File

SSL certificates play a crucial role in securing online communication and transactions. To ensure the safety and reliability of your web applications and websites, it’s essential to keep an eye on the expiration…

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Nginx Certbot SSL Techhyme

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up Nginx and SSL with Certbot

Nginx is a powerful and widely used web server that offers excellent performance and flexibility. It is commonly employed to serve web content, host websites, and balance traffic. Moreover, enabling SSL encryption is…

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Windows 11 Tricks Techhyme

5 Windows 11 Tricks You Should Try

Windows 11 is the latest version of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It’s the successor to Windows 10 and was officially released by Microsoft in October 2021. Windows 11 brings a fresh and…

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Copyright Flow Techhyme

How You Can Enhance The Copywriting Flow

Creating compelling copy is an art that requires a delicate balance of creativity and strategy. One of the key elements in crafting captivating copy is ensuring smooth and seamless flow from one idea…

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Crucial Ranking Factors SEO Techhyme

The 10 Most Crucial Ranking Factors for SEO

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a dynamic and ever-evolving field that plays a pivotal role in determining a website’s visibility on search engine result pages (SERPs). To enhance your website’s visibility and organic…

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Google Chrome Extensions Techhyme

7 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions That Grant You Superpowers

Google Chrome extensions are like a wizard’s toolkit, enhancing your browsing experience and productivity. These seven free Chrome extensions are no less than superpowers, making your tasks smoother and quicker. Let’s explore into…

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Mitm Attacks Techhyme

7 Different Types of Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) Attacks

In the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity, the threat of Man-in-the-Middle (MITM) attacks looms large. MITM attacks involve a cybercriminal intercepting and manipulating communications between two parties without their knowledge. These attacks pose significant…

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How SSL Works Encryption Techhyme

How SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Works – A Brief Guide

In the realm of digital communication, security is of paramount importance. Protecting sensitive information, such as personal data and financial transactions, is critical to maintaining trust in online interactions. This is where Secure…

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