PHP Strings

Exploring Strings in PHP – A Comprehensive Guide

Strings are an essential data type in PHP, serving as a sequence of characters used to store text data. In PHP, strings are declared using double quotes. Let’s explore into the basics of…

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Android Obfuscators

Top 3 Android Obfuscators Tools

In the fast-evolving world of mobile applications, ensuring the security of your code has become paramount. One powerful method to protect Android applications from reverse engineering and tampering is code obfuscation. Android obfuscators…

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PHP Data Types Techhyme

Explore Various Data Types in PHP

Data types in PHP play a pivotal role in defining the nature of variables and the kind of data they can store. Unlike strictly-typed languages, PHP is loosely typed, meaning that variable types…

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DDL Commands SQL Techhyme

Six Major DDL Commands in SQL – A Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of Structured Query Language (SQL), Data Definition Language (DDL) commands play a crucial role in defining and managing the structure of a database. In this article, we’ll explore the usage…

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CRUD Operations

Performing CRUD Operations with PHP and MySQL

When developing web applications, the ability to interact with databases is crucial. PHP, being a versatile server-side scripting language, seamlessly integrates with various databases. Among them, MySQL is one of the most widely…

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PHP File Operations

A Guide to PHP File Operations – Opening, Reading, Creating, Writing, and Closing Files

Working with files is a fundamental aspect of many programming tasks. PHP provides a set of functions for file operations, allowing developers to interact with files seamlessly. In this guide, we’ll explore essential…

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Unused npm

How You Can Identify Unused npm Packages in your Project

As projects evolve and developers experiment with various npm packages, it’s common for a codebase to accumulate dependencies that are no longer actively used. These unused npm packages contribute to unnecessary bloat in…

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PHP Null Values Techhyme

Handle Null Values in PHP – A Comprehensive Guide

In PHP, null is a distinct data type representing a variable with no assigned value. Whether a variable is set to null explicitly or through the `settype()` function, it signifies the absence of…

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Laravel HTTP Client Response Code Cheat Sheet

Laravel’s HTTP client, built on top of the Guzzle HTTP Client library, is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests. With its expressive syntax and convenient features, it streamlines communication with external APIs…

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Top 7 Tools to Enhance Your PHP Developer Experience

PHP, once perceived as a scripting language for simple tasks, has evolved into a robust ecosystem with frameworks like Laravel, Symfony, and CakePHP. While these frameworks have significantly improved the developer experience, there…

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Google Fonts

Installing Google Fonts as npm packages with Fontsource

Google Fonts has long been a favorite resource for web developers seeking an extensive collection of free fonts for their projects. Typically, developers would integrate these fonts into their websites using the `<link>`…

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R Language

R Language – A Comprehensive Guide

R Language is a versatile and powerful programming language that serves various purposes, including statistical analysis, data visualization, data manipulation, predictive modeling, and forecast analysis. Widely adopted by prominent companies such as Google,…

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SQL Injection Parameters Techhyme

Top 25 SQL Injection Parameters For Bug Bounty Hunters

SQL injection is a pervasive and potentially devastating form of cyber attack, where malicious actors exploit vulnerabilities in a web application’s code to execute arbitrary SQL code. This unauthorized access allows attackers to…

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Azure Security Tools

Top 5 Best Azure Security Assessment Tools

As businesses increasingly migrate their operations to the cloud, ensuring robust security measures within cloud environments becomes paramount. Microsoft Azure, one of the leading cloud service providers, offers a variety of security assessment…

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Cyber Kill Chain

Understanding the Cyber Kill Chain – 7 Phases of Cyber Attacks

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, it has become crucial for organizations and individuals alike to understand the tactics employed by cyber adversaries. The Cyber Kill Chain is a conceptual framework developed by…

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