Laravel HTTP Client Response Code Cheat Sheet


Laravel’s HTTP client, built on top of the Guzzle HTTP Client library, is a powerful tool for making HTTP requests. With its expressive syntax and convenient features, it streamlines communication with external APIs or within your own application. One of its key features is the ability to handle HTTP response codes elegantly.

In this cheat sheet, we’ll explore the Laravel HTTP client’s response codes and the corresponding methods provided by the `Illuminate\Http\Client\Response` object.

HTTP Response Codes and Corresponding Methods

200 OK


201 Created


202 Accepted


204 No Content


301 Moved Permanently


302 Found


400 Bad Request


401 Unauthorized


402 Payment Required


403 Forbidden


404 Not Found


408 Request Timeout


409 Conflict


422 Unprocessable Entity


429 Too Many Requests


500 Internal Server Error


How to Use the Cheat Sheet

When making HTTP requests with Laravel’s HTTP client, the response from the server is encapsulated in a `Illuminate\Http\Client\Response` object. This object provides a set of convenient methods for checking the response status without manually inspecting the response code.

For example, if you want to check whether the response code is a successful `200 OK`, you can use the following code:

if ($response->ok()) {
    // Handle a successful response
} else {
    // Handle an unsuccessful response

This cheat sheet serves as a quick reference guide, allowing you to seamlessly integrate these methods into your code, enhancing readability and simplifying the handling of HTTP responses in your Laravel applications.

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