C Language was developed in AT & T Bell Lab, USA. Before C Language, Ken Thompson developed a B language which was influenced by a Basic Combined Programming Language i.e. BPCL developed by Martin Richards.
Dennis Ritchie made number of advancements in B language and from here, a new language called C-language is developed.
C language is extremely simple and flexible in nature. This language have rich set of library functions and keywords. C language can be used to write any type of programs. C language is a structural programming language because in this, user divides the program into small modules or routines called functions. These functions performs a special task. With the use of local variables, one can divide a C program into small modules. The use of these variables is hidden from the rest of the program.
C language can also be used for writing application programs for scientific, engineering and business applications.
Below is the list of some common C-language programs:
- To Find the Sum of Two Numbers
- To Find Multiplication of 3 Numbers
- To Find Area of Rectangle
- To Find Square of Number
- To Find Cube of Number
- To Find Area of Circle
- To Find Simple Interest
- To Find Square Root of Number
- To Convert the Time
- To Swap Two Numbers
- To Swap Two Numbers Without Using 3rd Variable
- To Find Average of 5 Numbers
- To Calculate Perimeter & Area of Rectangle
- To Find Volume of Box
- To Find Area & Circumference of Circle
- To Find Total Marks & Percentage of Student in 5 Subjects
- To Convert Temperature From Fahrenheit to Celcius
- To Perform All Arithmetic Operations on Two Numbers
- Program Showing Use of \n
- Program Showing Use of \t
- Use getchar() Function
- Use getche() Function
- Use getch() Function
- Use putchar() Function
- Program using puts
- Program using gets
- Program using printf() Function
- Program using nested printf() Function
- Program using scanf() Function
- Program using integer formatting
- Program having floating point number formatting
- Program to perform all arithmetic operations on two numbers
- Program to find greatest among 2 no.’s using conditional operator
- Program to check number is odd or even using conditional operator
- Program using type casting or explicit type conversion
- To print ASCII code of any number between 0 to 255
- To Find Square Root of Number
- To Check Year is Leap or Not
- To Check Whether Shopkeeper is in Profit or Loss
- To Check Alphabet is Vowel or Consonant
- To Convert Upper Case into Lower Case or vice-versa
- To Find Greatest Among 3 Numbers
- To Check Entered Character is Uppercase, Lowercase, Digit or Special Symbol
- To Check in Which Quardent Point Lies
- To Check Number is Divisible by 3 and 6
- To Find a Greater Number
- Find Greatest Among 3 Numbers using Conditional Operators
- To Print 1st n-Natural Numbers using While Loop
- To Print 1st 10 Even Numbers using While Loop
- To Find Sum of Digits of a Number
- To Find Reverse of Number
- To Find Sum of First and Fourth Digit in a Four Digit Number
- To Print 1st 100 Even Numbers using Do-While Loop
- To Find HCF of Two Numbers
- To Print 1st n-Natural Numbers using For Loop
- To Find Factorial of Number
- To Print Following Series 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000
- To Find Average of 1st n-Natural Numbers
- To Print Following Pattern 1 11 111
- To print following Pattern 1 12 123 1234 and so on
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