Network Related Abbreviations You Need To Know

Computer Network Abbreviations Full Forms Techhyme

Abbreviations or rather say a short form of the words are now used everywhere. An abbreviation is a group of words or sentences combined to make a shorter meaningful word.

Abbreviations are used in every subject and also in day-to-day life and it is necessary to know the full forms of the abbreviations that we use commonly and also in subjects like Computers, Databases and Networks. Abbreviations not only save time and energy however also a smarter way to communicate.

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So let’s go ahead and find some commonly Used and Technical Abbreviations related to Computer Networks.

1 1-D One-dimensional
2 2-D Two-dimensional
3 3-D Three-dimensional
4 AM Active Messages
5 API Application programming interface
6 ATM Asynchronous transfer mode
7 BFS Breadth-first spanning tree
8 BMIN Bidirectional multistage interconnection network
9 BNF Burton normal form
10 BRCP Base routing conformed path
11 BWS Buffered wormhole switching
12 CAD Computer-aided design
13 CIBU Control input buffer
14 CMOS Complementary metal oxide semiconductor
15 CMU Carnegie Mellon University
16 CNF Chaos normal form
17 COBU Control output buffer
18 CPU Central processing unit
19 CRC Cyclic redundancy check
20 CSMA/CD Carrier-sense multiple access with collision detection
21 CWG Channel wait-for graph
22 DASH Directory architecture for shared memory
23 DCM Direct connect module
24 DCSH Distributed Crossbar Switch Hypermesh
25 DEC Digital Equipment Corporation
26 DIBU Data input buffer
27 DMA Direct memory access
28 DMIN Dilated multistage interconnection network
29 DOBU Data output buffer
30 DP Duato’s protocol (Duato’s routing algorithm)
31 DR Dimension reversal
32 DSM Distributed shared-memory multiprocessor
33 DTB Data translation buffer
34 ECL Emitter-coupled logic
35 EMB Exhaustive misrouting backtracking
36 EOH End-of-header
37 EPB Exhaustive profitable backtracking
38 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface
39 FIFO First in, First out
40 FM Fast Messages
41 GID Group ID
42 HL Hierarchical leader-based
43 HP Hewlett-Packard
44 HPF High Performance Fortran
45 IBM International Business Machines
46 I/O Input/output
47 IP Internet Protocol
48 ISI Information Sciences Institute
49 KSR Kendall Square Research
50 LAN Local area network
51 LC Link controller
52 LCU Link control unit
53 LD Label-based dual-path
54 LEN Lan, Esfahanian, and Ni
55 MAGIC Memory and general interconnect controller
56 MB-m Misrouting backtracking protocol with m misroutes
57 MCM Multichip module
58 MCP Myrinet control program
59 MIMD Multiple-instruction multiple-data
60 MIN Multistage interconnection network
61 MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology
62 MPI Message Passing Interface
63 MST Minimal Steiner tree
64 MTBF Mean time between failures
65 MTTR Mean time to repair
66 NEC Nippon Electric Company
67 NI Network interface
68 NOW Network of workstations
69 NP Nonpolynomial
70 NPB NAS Parallel Benchmarks
71 NUMA Nonuniform memory access
72 OMC Optimal multicast cycle
73 OMP Optimal multicast path
74 OMT Optimal multicast tree
75 PAR Planar-adaptive routing
76 PC Personal computer
77 PCI Peripheral component interconnect
78 PCS Pipelined circuit switching
79 PE Processing element
80 PVM Parallel virtual machine
81 RAID Redundant arrays of inexpensive disks
82 RCU Router control unit
83 RHS Right-hand side
84 RMA Remote memory access
85 RST Rectilinear Steiner tree
86 SAF Store-and-forward
87 SAN System area network
88 SCHL Source-centered hierarchical leader
89 SCI Scalable coherent interface
90 SGI Silicon Graphics Inc.
91 SHRIMP Scalable high-performance really inexpensive multiprocessor
92 SIMD Single-instruction multiple-data
93 SPASM Simulator for parallel architectural scalability measurements
94 SPIDER Scalable pipelined interconnect for distributed endpoint routing
95 SPMD Single-program multiple-data
96 SPUmesh Source partitioned U-mesh
97 SQHL Source quadrant-based hierarchical leader
98 SWM Shallow water modeling
99 TMC Thinking Machines Corporation
100 TMIN Traditional multistage interconnection network
101 TP Two-phase routing algorithm
102 TPB-u Two-phase backtracking
103 UMA Uniform memory access
104 USC University of Southern California
105 VC Virtual channel or virtual channel controller
106 VCC Virtual circuit caching
107 VCT Virtual cut-through
108 VLSI Very large-scale integration
109 VRAM Video random-access memory


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