Sudoers Add User Techhyme

How to Add a User to Sudoers on Ubuntu

In many Linux environments, it’s common to grant sudo access to non-privileged users for performing administrative tasks. This practice ensures that certain actions, typically requiring root privileges, can be executed without granting full…

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ss command examples techhyme

25 Useful Linux SS Command Examples to Monitor Network Connections

The `ss` command in Linux is a powerful utility that provides detailed information about network socket connections. It is considered an advanced version of the older `netstat` command, offering more features and flexibility….

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How to Install whois Utility on Ubuntu

The whois utility is an essential tool for obtaining detailed information about domain registrations, including ownership details, contact information, registration and expiration dates, and more. In this article, we will guide you through…

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Apache Bench Tutorial Techhyme

How to Use Apache Bench for Load Testing

Load testing is a critical aspect of ensuring that your web server can handle various levels of traffic and user interactions. Apache Bench, commonly known as ab, is a powerful tool designed to…

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SSL Certificate Techhyme

How To Create a Self-Signed SSL Certificate for Apache

Securing the communication between a web server and its users is crucial for protecting sensitive data from potential threats. One way to achieve this security is through SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certificates. While…

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How To Create a Custom 404 Page in NGINX

NGINX, a powerful web server and reverse proxy server, allows website administrators to configure custom error pages to enhance user experience when a requested URL is not found. Creating a custom 404 page…

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Basic Authentication Nginx Techhyme

How To Configure Basic Authentication in NGINX

Securing your web server is paramount in today’s digital landscape, and one effective method to restrict access to specific pages or areas is by implementing basic authentication. NGINX, a popular web server and…

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Restrict IP Address Apache Web Server Techhyme

How to Restrict Access by IP in Apache Web Server

In the realm of web server security, restricting access to specific IP addresses is a fundamental measure to control and safeguard your resources. Apache, a widely used web server, provides a flexible and…

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Disable ETag Nginx Techhyme

How To Disable ETag Header in NGINX

The ETag (Entity Tag) header is a crucial component of web servers that facilitates efficient cache validation and conditional requests by browsers. However, in certain scenarios, disabling ETag may be necessary to mitigate…

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Disable Server Signature Techhyme

How To Disable Server Signature with .htaccess or Apache Configuration

Server signatures, also known as server banners or server identifiers, provide information about the web server software running on a particular website. While this information can be useful for legitimate purposes, it can…

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Compress files faster pgiz techhyme

How To Compress Files Faster Using Pigz on Ubuntu Linux

Data compression is a fundamental aspect of managing digital information, especially on Linux systems. Whether you’re looking to save space, speed up file transfers, or reduce the load on your storage devices, compressing…

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Nginx Certbot SSL Techhyme

A Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up Nginx and SSL with Certbot

Nginx is a powerful and widely used web server that offers excellent performance and flexibility. It is commonly employed to serve web content, host websites, and balance traffic. Moreover, enabling SSL encryption is…

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USB Devices Ubuntu Techhyme

How to List USB Devices in Ubuntu

Ubuntu, like many other Linux distributions, provides various commands to list and manage USB devices connected to your system. This can be useful for tasks such as identifying connected USB drives, checking their…

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How To Check Ubuntu Version – 5 Different Ways

Ubuntu is one of the most popular and user-friendly Linux distributions, and like any operating system, it evolves over time with new releases and updates. If you’re using Ubuntu and want to know…

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MariaDB Install Ubuntu Techhyme

How To Install MariaDB in Ubuntu OS

MariaDB is an open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) that is a fork of the popular MySQL database. It was created as a result of concerns regarding the acquisition of MySQL by Oracle…

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